Chapter 11:A Street Car Named Desire

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Marcel had figured out that Hayley didn't have to die if they used her husband's heart. His heart was a perfect replica of hers after they were married. After they got the heart all that was left was getting Klaus and Elijah. Aya and a few of her witches trapped Klaus and Elijah in a chambre de chasse and brought their bodies for the spell. They now lie in the pool that Davina and the Strix witches would use to cast the spell. They had gotten the spell ready and they were minutes away from casting it. After looking over the work being done Davina walks to the other side of the room where a stroller sits.

"Hey there, Little Girl." Davina says lifting her 5 month old babbling child into her arms. Joshlynn was a happy child, she didn't cry much and when she did it was easy enough to get her to calm down usually. But she was still a lot of work for one person, Davina needed Kol. "I'm gonna get your Dad back, yeah." She was bouncing her in her arms as she spoke. "Oh, I hope you know I want the world for you. That I love you." She pulls her daughter to her chest as she takes a deep breath.

Marcel walked over to the young witch and asked "Did you know?"

In complete confusion Davina responds as she looks up from her daughter "Know what?"

"She's going to kill them." Marcel answers and Davina's head snaps over to where the original's bodies lie. "Klaus first, then if the sire line is proven broken, Elijah won't last much longer."

Davina looks back at her friend and shakes her head as she answers "I didn't know. But does that really change anything?"

"If it fails, and Aya puts Aurora's bullet into Klaus's heart, I die. Josh dies." Marcel puts emphasis on the dying part trying to see if he can put a stop to the spell.

Davina, though, takes great offense to this and accuses "You don't think I can do it."

"It's too risky. And either way, Klaus is gone. Your boyfriend, Kol's brother. Your daughter's uncle. My sire." Marcel pushes.

"I get it." Davina snaps at him while keeping her voice low so as not to disturb her daughter. "Klaus saved you like you saved me. You think you owe him but you don't. He's taken far more than he's given. From you, from me, from Kol. And when he gets rid of this threat, who do you think he'll come after next? Maybe a witch destined to be more powerful than he could imagine. I have to protect her. He's had his turn. Two years ago, you asked me to find a way to break the sire link because you wanted to kill Klaus. I swore to you that I would find a way to do it, and now I have. You trusted me then."

"Circumstances have changed. All right? Things are different now." Marcel tries to say but Davina jumps in.

"No. We've always protected each other." Davina says, raising her voice a bit before Joshlynn starts to move and she quiets down again. "When you had me shunned, I was furious. But now? I get it. You'll always protect me, no matter what. Even if I hate you for it. Believe me, I get that now." Davina said, looking down at her daughter before looking back to the vampire and continuing. "You deserve to be free of Klaus. We all do. I can't do this if you don't trust me. I'm scared Marcel. And you and Joshlynn are the only family that I have. So are we in this together? Because if so, I can do it. No doubts, no hesitation. I can do it." She spoke with confidence.

Marcel wanted more than anything to talk her out of doing what she was about to do but it would have been no use, she had her mind set. And he had to stand by her. So that's what he agreed to do as he put a hand on her shoulder and got a grin from the young witch in return.


The Strix witches started doing the spell when Hayley walked in and killed the vampire guards with the help of Marcel. The witches did a spell throwing them across the room before going back to the unsiring spell. Suddenly Elijah shot up and grabbed a hold of one of the witches, he pulled her into the water and bit into her neck and killed her. Hayley and Marcel got up and a witch turned to fight them only to have her neck snapped by Elijah. Haley snapped the other witch's neck leaving only Davina. Klaus wakes up and tries to attack her but she grabs ahold of him in the air with her magic and throws him back into the water, finishing the spell.

As the spell hits the light explodes sending sparks everywhere and causing a cry to leave the baby on the other side of the room. Most of the people are focused on the spell but Hayley's attention was grabbed by the child. The spell ends as the water from the pool shoots into the air and Davina collapses on the ground. The only thing that can be heard is heavy breathing from the recovering vampires and the wailing of the innocent child wrapped up in this mess.


The next morning Davina jumps awake on the couch in Marcel's loft. She immediately looks for Joshlynn and sees her in Marcel's arms, awake and happy, as he approaches her with a glass of water. With the concern of her daughter gone she jumps to her next question "Where's my stuff?"

"Your bag's over there." Marcel answers as Davina stands up looking around ignoring the glass of water he was offering. "I figured after what you did I better get you out before the Mikaelsons came back to hurt you." Marcel says as she rushes to grab the bag.

"You mean like you hurt me." Davina says as she walks over and grabs her daughter from his arms. "I asked you to do one thing for me. To believe in me. To choose my side. I asked you to choose me. But you didn't." She turns to walk away from him, her daughter snug against her chest.

"Wait, D. Listen to me. Hey. Listen." Marcel says, trying to stop her from leaving. "I am always on your side, all right? I always have your back. But sometimes the things that you want, they aren't worth the price you have to pay to get them."

"Yeah? Keep telling yourself that. Enjoy your freedom." Davina says before walking out of the loft raging mad.


Davina walked into the attic of the church carrying a car seat and her bag. She walks over and puts the car seat on the bed before leaning over and saying "I think it's about time you got to really meet your dad." She smiled at the now asleep little girl before going to kneel in front of a spell she had set up earlier.

She grabs a vial from her bag and opens it. "Blood of two brothers, and the ash of their dead." Davina says as she pours the blood from the vial into an urn full of ashes. She repeats the spell "The blood of two brothers, the ash of their dead." She puts her palms facing the urn as she begins to chant in another language. Wind seems to rip through the room before she opens her eyes to find the man she loves kneeling before her, Kol Mikaelson.

Kol sees her and a smile grows on his face before he lets out a little chuckle and says "I never doubted you for a second, Davina Claire." The two smile at each other for a long while as they are both trying to come to terms that this is real when a giggle is heard from the bed. Davina stands up and grabs some clothes for Kol to put on while she grabs their little girl.

Once he's dressed she brings her over to him and says "Kol Mikaelson I'd like to introduce you to our daughter." As she speaks Joshlynn is moved from her mother's arms to her father's. He holds her in a cradle hold where her head rests on his left elbow and her legs rest on his other. He is completely captivated by the little girl and her big blue eyes. She's beautiful and he can already tell that this little thing in his arms is going to change everything for him. He'll protect her from anything and do whatever it takes to give her a good life. They may have just really met but he already loved her more than he knew possible. 

Joshlynn Marcella Claire-MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now