Chapter 7:The Axeman's Letter

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"I have to pick one. Orange or purple?" Davina asks the werewolves that stood before her, Hayley and Jackson. "Did you seriously call us here to play fashion police?" Jackson asks, clearly annoyed. Witches crowd around Davina getting her ready as one holds a thing of sacred oil in front of her face causing her to snap "Okay, I know that's sacred oil, but can we please not do that right now? Thank you." At the sound of her outburst Joshlynn wakes up in her stroller crying. As the witches leave Davina goes and picks up the crying infant and tries to calm her down as she turns to the wolves "Sorry. Thanks for coming." Davina said as she repositions Joshlynn as the little girl grips onto the orange scarf. Letting her daughter make her wardrobe decision she drops the purple scarf.

"Like we had a choice, Davina. Either we do your bidding or you blow out that candle of yours and you turn us back into wolves. So we're pretty much your slaves." Hayley says showing her annoyance as she tries to keep her eyes locked on Davina instead of the fussy baby. "Now, Hayley, come on. This is the deal we made. Let's let her say her piece." Jackson reasons with Hayley before turning to Davina "What do you want?"

Davina explains "This is my first Cadeau as Regent. Since I represent the city, the covens have to pay tribute to me, and I throw them a party. I need them to respect me, but this is the first public event since-" "Since you had me kill those witches in the Ninth Ward?" Hayley interrupts. Davina looks down at her still fussy baby as she bounces her trying to calm her down "Alright, I can't take it anymore. Give the poor baby to me, I've had lots of experience calming crying babies thanks to Hope." Hayley says as she holds her arms out.

Davina hands the baby over and watches as Hayley puts Joshlynn's head on her shoulder and holds her in an upright position while bouncing causing her to slowly calm down. Davina continued while tying the scarf around her neck "I have this feeling it might not go so well. Especially since Van Nguyen blames me for what happened to his mom. He vowed to get back at me. Actually, he said he would erase me. I mean, who even talks like that?" "So, you want us to be your bodyguards?" Hayley clarifies as she holds the now quiet baby who has gripped onto her necklace.

"Look, I know that you're not exactly thrilled with me right now, but if I die, that candle's magic dies too. And then there's nothing stopping you from changing back into wolves." Davina says giving them the proper motivation. Jackson and Hayley share a look before Jackson says "Well, why don't you stay with Davina? And I will check out the crowd." With that he walks away. "I'll keep you alive." Hayley says holding the now sleeping baby tight to her chest "But if you wear that awful orange scarf, you'll wish that I hadn't." With that Davina changes scarfs.


As Davina had spent the day with the business of Cadeau, Hayley had volunteered to watch Joshlynn. And it was pretty easy as she slept on her shoulder the entire day. Even through Hayley gave Davina a speech about being your own type of leader. Sitting on the steps drinking some of the beer Hayley had given her Davina stared at the little girl on the hybrid's shoulder. Catching Davina's glance Hayley spoke "She's an adorable baby." Davina's smile grew as her eyes stayed on her daughter "Yeah, she is. I love her more than I thought possible."

"That I understand." Hayley said, thinking back to Hope. "I wish I could have known Hope at this age." Hayley said, causing Davina's smile to drop. "I'm sorry." Davina says remembering that it was the witches who had made her have to fake Hope's death. Hayley shook her head at the young witch "Don't be. Davina, you are one of the few witches that never tried to hurt my daughter. And for that I swear I will protect yours." Davina smiles as rubs her daughters back "You know the more people that meet her the more confident I am that she's going to be okay. I mean she has a village. She's got Marcel, Freya, Josh, the vampire, the witches--" "And the werewolves." Hayley adds "Then again she's probably going to need all of them."

"What do you mean?" Davina asks the hybrid, confused. "Well after the prophecy that was made about her whether it's Klaus or someone else I'm guessing she's always going to have enemies." Hayley says as if it's obvious, Klaus had mentioned the prophecy to the Mikaelson family since he had heard about it. He hadn't announced his plan to kill Joshlynn but they all knew it was in the works. Freya had immediately told him that if he went after the child she would stop him but he seemed completely unfazed. Her and Elijah were planning on stopping him too, not that either had told him.

Davina on the other hand had no clue what she was talking about "What prophecy?" Davina asked, getting worried, causing Hayley to freeze. She hadn't thought about the fact that none of them had gone to her earlier. "Klaus found a witch who gave a prophecy that a Mikaelson witch without Mikaelson blood would be the most powerful and dangerous witch to ever live."

Davina grabs the little baby from Hayley's arms careful not to wake her up and holds her tightly to her chest. "She's not some powerful monster, she's a baby. She's an innocent little baby. And you're telling me that Klaus wants her dead because of something she might become." Davina says standing up from her seat. "I don't care what Klaus wants, none of us do. If he wants to hurt her he's going to have to go up against every supernatural creature in New Orleans and it's a fight he won't win. Even Elijah has agreed to protect her okay. She's going to be fine." Hayley told Davina trying to reassure her before earning a grateful nod from the witch.


Davina walks up to Hayley pushing a stroller with a beer in her hand "Pushing a stroller while holding a beer, nice look." Hayley jokes. Davina lets out a laugh as she hands the beer to Hayley. "Happy Witch Day, or whatever this is." Hayley says, causing Davina to laugh again "Hayley, I wanted to thank you."

"For what? The free fashion advice?" Hayley questions, and Davina shakes her head and answers "You were right. Since I became regent, I've tried to control everything and everyone. But that's not me. I don't want to be that person anymore." Davina turns leaving the stroller and goes to grab the candle with the red crescent on the side "I asked the ancestors to give me the magic to lift your curse. Since it's Cadeau..." Davina blows out the candle and finishes her statement "they granted it. Keeping you as a slave seems like something the older generation would do. I'd rather have you as a friend."

"There was something else I wanted to thank you for too, you reminded me of what type of mother I want to be. I'm going to protect her against anyone who would ever dare cause her harm. And I'll do my damnedest to make sure she never gets sacrificed to a bunch of psychotic witches." Hayley smiled at that before reminding the witch "Just remember that you don't have to do it alone. You have people you can call so use them and call. I'm guessing Hope would love to play with a little baby." Davina smiles at the hybrid before saying another thank you and walking away with her daughter.

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