Chapter 13:Alone with Everybody

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"Are you quite sure?" Elijah questions his brother in the Mikaelson compound.

"I saw him with my own eyes. Finn must have come back when Davina resurrected me. The spell was tied to the blood of the Mikaelson line. Either it worked on him or he found a way to hijack it. Either way, the only 'how' I care about right now is how long I'm going to make him suffer before I kill him." Kol exclaimed in rage.

"Restraint, brother. For now." Elijah says in a calm voice hoping to calm his younger brother.

"Why? Finn is clearly the one spreading rumors about missing white oak. He's luring Nik's enemies out of the woodwork. It's all part of his tedious revenge fantasy." Kol said searching for any way to turn Elijah against Finn.

"You're wrong. Those rumors began before either of you returned. Finn's innocent." Freya said suddenly appearing in the room.

"Innocent? Pardon me, love, but Finn has tried to kill the rest of us more than once. He is an enemy of our family." Kol exclaimed.

"He is our family. Finn's return is an opportunity to mend old wounds and fix what's broken." Freya tried to reason.

"He didn't just drop a bloody vase. He murdered me. He made me miss the birth of my daughter." Kol rightfully yelled back. He couldn't understand how anyone could justify what Finn did and move past it.

"You seem certain," Elijah said to his older sister.

"Are you honestly siding with her?" Kol screamed completely pissed off.

"Time and again, Finn has demonstrated nothing but contempt towards this family. So you tell me, how can you be so certain that he would return to us in peace?" Elijah said directed to his sister trying to ignore his brother's overblown opinion.

"Our sister knows me well. Though, perhaps, you're right to doubt my intentions. By all means let's discuss our family quarrels. I believe we're long overdue." Finn says appearing in the doorway.


Davina, Joshlynn, and the Mikaelson's had been now locked in the Mikaelson Compound. Kol wasn't exactly pleased to be there with Finn.

Davina wandered around Kol's room with her little bundle of joy bouncing happily in her arms as Kol ranted. "Elijah's just going to go for it. Uh, let Finn steal a body and start a new life."

"You need to calm down," Davina said in a serious tone as she looked over at her boyfriend. Davina laid their daughter down in the crib that had been set up in the room and the little witch eagerly grabbed for the butterfly stuffed animal that Kol had recently bought for her. She laid on her stomach happily distracted by the colorful animal as Davina continued. "You know, I've never been in a guy's actual bedroom before."

"Are you even listening to me?" Kol asked annoyed.

Davina slightly chuckles before reassuring him. "I am. But you raging about Finn when you're stuck in here and can't do anything about it isn't going to help. What you need is something to take your mind off it." Davina began to kiss Kol on the lips before moving down to his neck.

"It won't work," Kol remarked looking basically unphased.

"Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma." Was heard from behind them snapping Davina away from Kol.

"Did she just say Momma?" Davina happily questioned as she hurried to the little girl grabbing her into her arms. "What did you just say?" She playfully questioned.

"I think it was just babbling," Kol said admiring the two.

"No, that was definitely a word. You said Momma didn't you?" Davina questioned Joshlynn who was more focused on her butterfly in her arms.

"Ba-ba-ba-ba." Joshlynn says happily before looking up at her mom with a wide smile.

Davina lets out a small pout, "Just babbling." She kisses Joshlynn's head before her smile grows back to her face. "Well, we've got plenty of time to get you to say, Momma, you're only 5 months old."

Kol smiled before approaching his girls. "Maybe she'll say Dadda instead."

"I don't think so. She likes me way better." Davina taunted as she held the baby close.

"That's just because she barely knows me," Kol answers as he quickly, but carefully, scooped Joshlynn into his arms holding her close to his chest. Davina reaches back for the little girl only for Kol to turn away from her. The gesture continued causing Joshlynn to giggle at the fun bouncing movement. Davina ended up leaving the pair to some Father-Daughter time as she went on her own mission.


After a few minutes, Joshlynn had fallen asleep in her father's arms, and now he sat over her crib with a glass of bourbon watching her. Anger seemed to build up in him, not at her but at everything else.

"Whatever it is you're planning, don't," Elijah spoke as he entered the room.

Kol kept his eyes focused on his sleeping daughter as he responded. "He cursed me to die, Elijah. Slowly. In front of Davina. He made it so I missed everything in the first several months of her life." Kol spoke in a clear reference to the peaceful Mikaelson in the room. "If nothing else, I owe him for that."

"Perhaps. And perhaps the best revenge is simply to expel him from our lives altogether." Elijah spoke calmly as he watched over his niece and younger brother.

"No," Kol spoke standing from his spot and turning fully to his brother. "He doesn't get to live happily ever after."

"I haven't made my final decision. I only ask you stay your hand." Elijah requested as Kol bound toward him.

"That's not your decision to make!" Kol exclaimed as the veins under his eyes appeared and he broke the glass in his hand. The breaking glass being enough to wake the slumbering child and turn her into a sobbing one.

"Control yourself," Elijah commanded as his eyes flickered from Joshlynn to Kol. In an attempt to release the anger Kol broke a chair that sat in his room. "Unless you can't," Elijah said in realization. Kol huffed at his brother before turning toward the crying baby. In a quick attempt, Elijah flashed himself in his path and flatly stated, "I'll get her." It was less of a request and more of a command yet Kol still gave his brother a nod. He wouldn't want the innocent little girl anywhere near an uncontrollable vampire either.

Elijah quickly grabbed hold of the witch as he had done with Hope countless times, though it was the first time with this niece, and calmed her down as his brother spoke. "It's worse than I remember. The rage. The hunger. I'd like to blame my anger on Finn, but it's been growing worse since I came back. I never did learn how to keep it in check. I never really cared to."

"But now you do," Elijah spoke as he looked at his brother whose eyes were focused on the little girl now leaning her head on her uncle's chest.

"I couldn't live with myself if I hurt Davina." As Kol spoke Elijah's eyes drifted down to the little girl who was fascinatingly observing her hands. "But hurting the ones we love, whether we mean to or not, that's just what we do. Isn't it?"

Elijah slowly approached his brother leading to Joshlynn reaching for her father and being passed along before Elijah spoke, "It is who we are."

After that Davina cursed Finn to be trapped in his body forever and like he always does Kol defended her. Though it didn't quite end well as the Mikaelson family now has a gash in it that won't end quickly. But hey, what's new?

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