Chapter 3:Fire with Fire, Ashes to Ashes

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In the cemetery Davina helps Rebekah to break the link that is connected to her and all the kids. After completing the spell Rebekah looks at Davina and Vincent worried "Is it finished?". "Only one way to find out." Vincent replies, handing Rebekah a knife. She cuts her finger with it and Davina smiles showing her perfectly uncut finger. It worked, they are now unlinked. Now Davina, her baby, and all the other kids would be safe if anything was to happen to Rebekah.


Davina stands in her workspace trying to find a way for her to be able to resurrect Kol as she talks to Vincent. "Listen, Davina. The rite of supplication is just a formality. You simply meet the elders and show a bit of respect--" Vincent explains only to be interrupted by Davina asking "What happened to you just telling them I'm gonna be regent?" "They only listened to me when they thought I was accepting the job. If it's gonna be you we gotta grease some wheels." Vincent remarks as Davina scoffs "The witches aren't just gonna choose me. I mean for that matter, why'd they want you?" Davina questions still working on her spell. Vincent replies to her question then tries to continue to convince her "Because they think I'm a selfless saint who betrayed his wife to save a bunch of kids. And if I got no one to answer to, I'm less inclined to play favorites. Basically, I'm an outsider. Just like you." Davina looks at him seriously and nods before responding with another negative reason. "You know, I was put to death by people like this. They sacrificed me and my friends for nothing." "Yeah. And as regent you'd have the power to make sure nothing like that ever happened again." Vincent rebuts causing Davina to nod her head again but this time in a more understanding and agreeing way. "I'm only doing this because you said it will give me the power I need to bring back Kol." Vincent nods to her and turns to walk out but she stops him "Vincent wait, I need to know one more thing. Will being regent, having all that power interfere with my pregnancy because if it will I won't do it." Vincent shakes his head "No Davina this type of magic won't work like that. It connects you to the ancestors but it won't affect your child.


Davina has talked to the witches and they have agreed to make her regent. She goes through with the ceremony and becomes the regent of the nine covens. When Davina was made Regent what she didn't realize is that Vincent was wrong her baby was also connected to the ancestors. But it didn't connect her the way that Davina was connected to them. Davina was connected to their minds while her baby was connected to their magic. This means that even before that little girl was born she had a constant flow of magic from the ancestors.


With Davina's new found magic she attempts to bring Kol back but being the Mikaelsons they hijacked the spell and tricked her to bring Ester Mikaelson. At this she was angered beyond belief that they would let their brother stay dead. The fact that they let the father of her child stay dead. For this she swore that she would get revenge and find another way to bring back the man that she loved. But until that day she would throws herself into being regent, throws herself into the magic.

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