Chapter 6:You Hung the Moon

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At the cemetery Davina holds Hayley in a magical barrier, Joshlynn lays in her car seat off to the side. When Hayley transitions she is left naked in the ring "What the hell am I doing here? Why am I trapped?" Hayley questions angrily as Davina walks up to her holding a blanket. "I used magic to draw you here and to keep you a captive audience." Davina responds as she throws the blanket over to Hayley. "Davina, I need to see my daughter." Hayley yells as she wraps the blanket around herself. "I'm sorry... But there's something I need you to do for me first." Davina flatly states glancing at her little girl who begins to stir.

Davina walks out of the room to go and get a blood bag and some clothes. Hayley starts banging on the barrier she is trapped in until she hears a cry. She looks over in the direction Davina was looking earlier and found a little baby. She looked a lot younger than Hope but still just as innocent. How another innocent child could be brought into a life like this she had no clue. She just hoped for her and Hopes sake that you could make it through this life still feeling alive.

Her attention broke from the baby when Davina walked in "Davina. Let me out of here right now, or I swear I will kill you." Hayley yelled at Davina, not paying attention to the little girl's cries. Davina threw the clothes into the circle before going and grabbing her daughter and getting her to stop crying. Davina looked at Hayley holding up the blood bag in the hand not supporting her infants head "You could try. Or we could have a polite conversation." Hayley looks at the witch as if she's crazy before shooting back "You magically kidnapped me on the one night that I can see my daughter. And from the look of it you understand the feeling of needing to be with your child just as much as I do." Hayley gestured to the baby in Davina's arms making her feel a bit guilty for keeping her away from Hope. Haley continued "So do not talk to me about polite."

"I drew you here to help you." Davina states trying to not let Hayley see how what she said affected her. This only made Hayley more mad "Elijah asked you months ago to break the curse and you said no." "The Regent of witches can't be seen doing favors for the Mikaelsons. But maybe we can help each other." As Davina speaks she drops the blood bag into the ring so Hayley can drink it and Hayley grabs it instantly. As Hayley feeds Davina continues "Look, I have access to the witch ancestors. I can channel the power of the one who created the spell used to curse you. You can be free Hayley."

Hayley stops feeding and stands up and looks at the powerful witch and speaks with a bit less hostility "Under your terms, I'm guessing." Davina nods and the hybrid adds "Spill." And Davina does just that "There's a witch in the Ninth Ward who hates that I'm Regent. She tried to kill me. If I retaliate, I'm starting a civil war, and I don't want to do that. But if I do nothing, who knows what she'll do next." As she states that last sentence she looks down at Joshlynn who is now asleep in her mothers arms. Hayley looks at the baby as well understanding why she's here, Davina is desperate and can't let anything happen to her child. That much she understands so she agrees "Fine. Just tell me who you want dead."

As Hayley changes and cuts off a piece of her hair Davina puts her sleeping daughter into her car seat and gets the spell ready. Once Hayley is done she hands Davina her hair as the witch speaks "You're completely cloaked. No magic will be able to track you. The witch's name is Kara Nguyen. She runs the Café Chim Lac in the lower Ninth Ward. She'll be there before dawn. As long as the candle burns, your curse won't be active." As Davina talks she puts the hair in a bowl containing a liquid then pours it over a candle, the liquid then soaks into the candle leaving only a red crescent moon on the outside.

"And when a strong wind comes alone?" Hayley asks a bit sarcastically only for Davina to reply with complete sincerity "My magic will protect the flame. Of course, you'll have to work with me." Davina raises her hand toward the circle surrounding Hayley and it is blown away. Just as quickly as the barrier is broken Hayley had Davina pushed up against the table she was working on, her arm pushing against her upper chest and neck "I'm doing this for my pack. If I turn into a wolf tonight before seeing my daughter, I will come for you, Davina. And I would hate to leave that little girl over there an orphan, but I will tear you apart." Hayley spoke looking directly into the witches eyes and Davina is looking straight back "When the sun comes up tomorrow and you're still you, you'll owe me an apology." Hayley releases her saying one last comment before walking off. "You have two hours. Get it done."


Davina got the candle lit and Hayley not only killed Kara but also 10 other witches. Davina didn't mean for all those people to die, she never wanted any innocents to get hurt. And as she cried for the deaths of her people. The only thing that could get her to stop and bring a slight smile to her face was when she looked up she saw her daughter starring back at her. Joshlynn was what Davina was fighting for, Joshlynn was the most important thing. She did everything she did to protect her and give her a good life, and that is something she would never feel sorry for.

Later they were having a funeral for the fallen. Davina approached the scene with her beautiful daughter laying in her arms looking up at the big blue sky. Kara's son, Van, walks up to Davina speaking "Those remains used to be my mom." "I'm so sorry." Davina responds as she genuinely did feel bad for him but he didn't want to hear it "Spare me. She went after you. Look, I'm gonna find out how this happened, and I'm gonna expose you. Then you'll be shunned, unable to practice, exiled from the city. Basically, I'm gonna erase you. It's a shame you'll be dragging your kid down with you." And with that Van walked away.

Davina was speechless, she had done all this to protect herself and her daughter but from the looks of it she may have just made it worse. She knew that if she was shunned so would her daughter be and she didn't want that for her. She wanted her to have a community to protect her, to grow up here and for them to become her family. She wanted her daughter to have a family that she could count on, a family that would be with her for the good and bad times. But from the looks of it, the choice she just made may have washed that all away. What had she done?

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