Chapter 16:No More Heartbreaks

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"You just leave? No good-bye, nothing." A hot-headed Davina calls out as she walks through St. James's pushing Joshlynn's stroller ahead of her.

"What are you doing here?" Kol questions confused and concerned about her being there.

"I tried to use magic to track you. Then I realized you were hiding somewhere magic couldn't reach." Davina explained as she stepped slightly away from the stroller containing the little girl who was looking around at absolutely nothing.

"Davina, you should go." Kol tried to persuade. 

"Why would you leave without telling me? Why would you come back if you weren't going to tell me? Why are you walking away?" Davina fires question after question at him.

"I didn't want to go. Nor was it my intention to come back. The Ancestors won't let me leave. The second I got to the city limits, I started to desiccate. I'm cursed, Luv. Those witch spirits have their hooks deep inside of me. They allow me no peace, just a hunger that I can't control." Kol explained as he did his best to keep a distance between him and Davina.

"Look, there's got to be a fix. Just promise you'll never leave me again." Davina requested before her phone rang interrupting her. She answered it instantly saying. "I'm in the middle of something."

Marcel's voice came through the other end of the phone. "Davina, we have a situation. Lucien went after Cami. Now, she managed to get away, but he bit her."

"What? Is she...?" Davina asked suddenly terrified.

"No, no, no, no. She's still alive. Klaus is with her at the compound. I'm headed there now. Let me come get you." Marcel requests.

Looking at Kol being in New Orleans Davina denied. "No. I'll meet you there."

"Be careful. All right? Lucien could be anywhere." Marcel warned before hanging up the phone.

"I'm not arguing with you. If I'm gonna help Cami, I need to go right to the source of the problem." Davina spoke adjusting Joshlynn's blanket.

"Lucien is an unstoppable monster made by the Ancestors," Kol argued back.

"I have stood up to Klaus. I'm not afraid of some second-string copycat." Davina spoke confidently.

Kol used his vampire speed to jump in her path. "But I can't leave here. And I am not letting you walk into a fight by yourself." When she walked past him he grabbed onto her barely crossing the magical barrier making his vampire features show.

"Let go," Davina spoke as she raised her are sending him flying away from her. "You can barely control yourself. Now, if Lucien's working with the Ancestors, maybe he can tell me what they've done to you."

"This is madness," Kol exclaimed. "You can't fight him!"

"I don't need to fight him," Davina explained. "I need him to tell me the truth. And I know a way to do that. So just stay here, wish me luck. And babysit your daughter for me will ya?" Davina walked out of the bar leaving Kol and her daughter behind the magical barrier.

"Davina! Davina!" Kol called after the witch before turning back toward the stroller and leaning down to look at her and speaking to her with a fake smile. "Hello Darling, looks like we have a few hours of time while your mother runs around like a madwoman. I swear if she gets herself kill I'll bring her back just so I can scream at her."


Davina had gone and confronted Lucien and found out the truth about the ancestor's control over Kol so here she was ready to talk about it with him. She found him sitting at a bar stool holding Joshlynn upon his lap.

Joshlynn Marcella Claire-MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now