Chapter 9:Wild at Heart

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Davina pushes a stroller through a crowd of people as she walks through a witch market, her almost three month old baby in the stroller. "Hi, do you have any Angelica flower?" Davina asked as she approached a witch selling herbs but the witch ignored her "Okay, I know I've been shunned but you can at least look at me." Davina stares at her for a minute before getting fed up at walking away with Joshlynn until she heard the voice of her best friend "Hello, I'm in the market for some Angelica. Perhaps you've heard of it? No? Okay. Follow up question, do you happen to have any kind of comment box or complaint hotline? 'Cause I got a few thoughts on your customer service that, trust me, you do not want to end up on Yelp."

The witch looked up at him but didn't respond as she knew who he wanted the Angelica for. Davina walked over to Josh trying to make sure the situation didn't get worse than it already was "Josh. Let's just go." "Okay, fine. But you know what? I'm taking these." Josh says as he grabs a package of herbs as Davina drags him away.


Davina and Josh walked down the streets of New Orleans, Joshlynn was fast asleep. "Davina. I've called like a billion times. It's kind of enough to make a guy feel, I don't know, shunned or something?" Josh looks up at the girl to reserve the sour look "Sorry. Too soon?" Davina moves on from the comment to respond to his accusation "Josh, I'm sorry I haven't called you back. It's just things have been really-" "Really, yeah, awful. No kidding. The thing is, this is kind of the whole reason you have friends. So you don't have to do the terrible parts alone." Josh said, cutting her off.

Davina let out a sad sigh as she knew he was right. She had been kinda isolating herself, the only person she had really seen since the shunning was her daughter and Hayley once or twice. The silence was broken when a limo pulled up next to them "Whoa." Josh says "Hey, should I be worried or, like, really excited right now?" He lets out a chuckle but his happy face and demeanor falls when the window opens revealing Aya.

"Hello, Joshua." Aya says speaking directly to the vampire before turning to the witch "Ms. Claire, I assume you know who I am. I suggest you get in. We've got much to discuss." Davina looks at Josh "Josh can you?" She says as she looks down at her daughter's sleeping face and the vampire answers "I've got Joshlynn." Davina gives him a smile as she lets go of the stroller and Josh grabs onto it as she gets into the limo and it drives away.


Josh and Joshlynn spent the next couple hours walking around town until Davina had called and said to come to the church attic. She needed Josh's help with a spell so she could talk to Kol. "So it's really just a simple suspension spell." Davina said as she made a circle on the ground using a powder "The poison stops my heart and the spell keeps me from dying for good." "Cool." Josh says sarcastically while looking at the parchment with the spell on it. "Yeah. No, I'm totally on board. Uh, just, except for the part about the poison, your heart and whatever you said at the end there about dying."

"Josh, the witches won't even look at me, let alone help me. If I'm gonna find out if that spell really works, I need to go to the only witch I trust. And that would be Kol." Davina explains to Josh "Hmm. Your dead boyfriend, who currently resides in spooky witch purgatory, along with all the other dead spirits who shunned you. Sure. What could possibly go wrong?" Josh says still heavily with sarcasm. "Relax. I'm just gonna pop over and pop back. Easy. All I need to do is channel your power." Davina says as she kisses her still sleeping daughter's forehead before walking over to the bed.

Josh shakes his head and says "No. No, no, no. You see this foot, Davina?" Josh says as he raises his right foot in the air before slamming it on the ground "This is me putting it down for once, okay? For your own good." As soon as he says that Davina starts to fall and Josh helps so she falls onto the bed instead of the ground "And you already took the poison didn't you?" Josh realizes and now having no choice gives in "Okay, for the record, if you looked up 'uncool' in the dictionary, there would just be a tiny little drawing of what's happening right now. What do I need to do?"

Joshlynn Marcella Claire-MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now