Chapter 12:An Old Friend Calls

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It had been three days since Kol had been brought back from the dead and he had been using that time to sleep. Which was understandable, I mean he came back from the dead. Davina was reading a parenting book, she had read about 20 since she had Joshlynn, in reality, they just confused her as they all seemed to contradict each other. Davin put her book down when she heard movement, her eyes first go to the bassinet in the corner before they see a sleeping Joshlynn and they land on Kol. He was sitting up when she looked at him. "You've been asleep for three days." Davina explains as she stands up from her chair.

"Regenerating from ash takes a lot out of a man." Kol jokes as he moves to the side of the bed and hangs his legs off the end. He looks at the smiling witch and stands up as he says "You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now."

"So what's stopping you?" Davina asks, the smile plastered on her face.

Kol looks up at the light coming in the window and talks as he puts his hand in it. "Wel, I can take the heat..." His hand starts to head up and burn before he pulls it away and the smile on Davina's face is replaced with worry. "If it means I get to kiss you, but letting the church burn down to ashes may be considered sacrilegious."

"But, you were a witch." Davina states, letting the confusion and worry clear in her shaky voice.

"The spell you used brought me back as I was when I died in this body." Kol explains to the Claire girl.

Davina hesitates and her eyes drift to her daughter before she speaks "Kol, I've heard the stories. When you were a vampire, you were-"

"A psychotic maniac." Kol interrupts. "But I didn't you or our family. And you're worth being good for. I promise you can trust me." Davina hesitates for a moment before walking through the light with a smile and kissing him. As they pull away Kol speaks raising his hand "At the risk of sounding too forward, I need you to put a ring on this finger. A Mikaelson family reunion is in order."

Davina responds "Kol, about your family... I'm pretty sure Klaus wants me and Joshlynn dead." Kol pulls Davina into a hug as he looks to the side of the room at his sleeping daughter. Nothing was going to happen to either of his girls, he would make sure of it.


Davina walked into the entrance of the Mikaelson compound and was instantly shoved against a wall by Klaus. "Rather foolish of you to come here alone."

Kol rushed in and set the baby carrier down before grabbing Klaus and throwing him across the room away from the mother of his child. "She didn't come along, brother." Klaus looked in shock at his dead younger brother. Kol looked between Davina and Klaus as he said "Now, Nik, I mean you did go after my girl."

"It can't be." Klaus said in disbelief.

"It's Kol." Davina says grabbing the baby carrier and walking up beside Kol. "When I broke your sire link, it created a surge of power."

"You stole the nexus vorti." Freya says approaching from behind Klaus.

"And brought your brother back from the dead." Davina said sassily.

"You really should be thanking her, really." Kol said taking a step forward.

Klaus takes a step toward Kol and looks him in the eye for a long moment before he pulls him into a hug and Kol lets out a chuckle. They pull away and Klaus gives his younger brother a smile as Elijah walks over. Elijah stands looking at his brother as if trying to be sure it was really him.

"Hello, Elijah." Kol says with a bit of sarcasm solidifying any doubts the older Mikaelson had.

A smile cracks on Elijah's face as he responds "You haven't aged a day."

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