Chapter 5:For the Next Millennium

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Davina Claire walks through the cemetery pushing a stroller with her one-week-old baby girl inside with a pleading Marcel walking beside them. He is attempting to get Davina to agree to make him daylight rings while she is completely refusing. "Can you just hear me out?" he pleads but without hesitation, she responds "No. Witches don't do favors for vampires, including daylight rings. Those are the rules." Marcel stops walking and tries to reason with her "An act of good faith will help keep the peace."

Davina looks back at Marcel before adjusting her daughter's blanket and responding "The Ninth Ward coven thinks I'm a vampire sympathizer. I won't prove them right. Everything I do comes back to her." she says gesturing to the little girl asleep in the stroller in between them, this Marcel understood. New Orleans witches could be cruel. "Your own your own," Davina said before turning around and walked away taking her daughter with her.


Davina has a meeting with the witches in which one witch, Kara, does a spell to try and ruin her hands. So she goes to the one person whom she knows will know what to do, Marcel. Wearing a black hood Davina grabs her daughter and goes up to the attic where she used to stay knowing Marcel would follow. "I'd ask if everything was okay, but you wouldn't be here if it were." Marcel says causing her to take off her hood and turns toward the vampire holding her little girl close to her body "You know I was bored out of my mind when I lived up here? I don't miss it but some things were simpler. At least I felt safe." "What happened?" Marcel says worried, and Davina answers just as worried "I was attacked. One of my own people tried to use a spell to ruin my hands. What's next? My eyes? My heart? My daughter? They hate me. I knew that, but I didn't think they would just revolt."

"Witches in New Orleans have a habit of getting homicidal, all right. Why do you think I was so hard on 'em?" Marcel says knowingly only for Davina to get more worked up "But I'm Regent. They should respect me. I didn't sign up for this." Davina tries to argue only for Marcel to respond back with "Sure you did. You chose to be their leader. The target on your back, it comes with the job."

Davina looks down at her little girl whose big dark eyes are staring up at her. "She didn't sign up for this." she states worried that she has put her in danger. Marcel looks at the baby and feels a bit frightened too but doesn't show it, Davina doesn't need to know that he's scared "Joshlynn has me, Josh, Freya Mikaelson, and the rest of the vampires looking out for her. This little girl will be the most well protected witch in New Orleans, I swear it.

Davin nods knowing that her daughter had lots of people looking out for her best interest "So what do I do?" Marcel responds immediately "Say the word, all right. Me and my guys-" "You'll what? They see me siding with you against my own kind, I'll just be proving them right." Davina interrupts. "D. Someone came at you. It might be one today, but if you sit back and do nothing by tomorrow there'll be more. You got to respond with a show of force. If not me, find another way. But it's got to be done." Marcel tells her. He would do anything to protect her and Joshlynn but this he knew was something that she needed to do.


In Lucien Castle's penthouse, Klaus has just been given a prophecy about the impending doom of the Mikaelson family. He turns to leave but is stopped as the prophet Alexis speaks to him "I had another prophecy about a Mikaelson baby." He turns to look at as all he could think of was Hope as Lucien looks at the girl and asks "What?" having not heard about this before. "I had it earlier today. It's not about your daughter if that's what you're worried about." She says as Klaus lets out a relieved breath and comes back snarky as every "Well then you must be mistaken witch, my daughter is the only Mikaelson child."

Alexis shook her head with a smile "No. The prophecy said that a Mikaelson witch without Mikaelson blood would be the most powerful and dangerous witch to ever live. I also saw a little baby in a pink blanket in a stroller, she looked maybe a few days old." Hearing her words it clicked in Klaus's head Freya had mentioned that Davina had had her child about a week ago, Kol's child. She was a Mikaelson without Mikaelson blood. And this child would be beyond powerful, maybe accepting the child into the family could prove useful to him or maybe he should just kill her and get rid of the problem. Klaus chuckled before turning around to leave while muttering "Damn you Kol, now I have another mess to clean up."

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