Chapter 14:Behind the Black Horizon

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After spending the night at the church attic Davina had gotten a message from Vincent asking to meet at St. James Infirmary so there the happy family was. "Seems your friend stood us up," Kol said as he led the group into the bar.

"Vincent's not exactly my friend," Davina answered as she followed in pushing Joshlynn's stroller while the little girl distractedly played with her butterfly.

"Well, since we bothered to be the only ones who turned up, it would be a shame to leave empty-handed. Why not head back, get up to no good?" Kol remarked as he reached over the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey.

"Something's not right." Davina stopped him before stepping away leading to Kol grabbing hold of the unmoving stroller. He felt better about her safety when one of them had a grip on her even if they were the only ones at the moment in the bar.

Davina continued as she examined the bar, "Vincent said we were up against a 'common threat.' Now he's missing. St. James is the one place in New Orleans where magic doesn't work. Why would a Regent want to meet somewhere where he can't do magic?" Davina continued to look around the bar until finding a tarot card while Kol happily stared at their daughter. She then reached into the tips jar the card was leaning against and pulled out a phone before grabbing her boyfriend's attention. "This is his."

Davina walked over and sat at the bar before starting up the video. On the phone, Vincent was seen speaking in the video. "Davina, listen... I know we are not on the best of terms, but I need you to listen to me, okay? Um, we're in serious trouble. Now, I'm recording this here because it's... it's free from magic, and magic is our enemy. The Ancestors got me on the hook doing some pretty twisted magic and I want no part of it, but they're forcing me to help Lucien Castle." That name seemed to pique an interest in the original before the next sentence had him moving to watch alongside her. "And if you don't help me, Freya Mikaelson's gonna die. Before they forced me to take her, then they had me put up a cloaking spell, so we can't be tracked. Now, Lucien's taking us out of town someplace, I don't know where... but there's a loophole."

The three rushed to the Mikaelson home where they found Elijah and Finn and showed them the video. "Just how am I the loophole?" Finn questioned as the video clicked off.

"Last year, when Esther first brought us back, I got put in the body of a gormless twit, but you got housed in one of the most powerful witch bodies in the city: Vincent's. And even after all this time, there's still an echo of a body-soul connection between you two." Kol explains, Joshlynn's stroller still attached to his hand though the grip a bit tighter with his eldest brother in the room.

Elijah resumes the video and Vincent's talking continues. "And Davina, that's where you come into play. I need a powerful witch that's off the Ancestors' radar." In the video, he cuts his hand and bleeds into a vial as he continues. "I want you to find the thread between me and Finn."

"Have you ever done anything like this?" Elijah questions the witch who's sitting on a bench at the foot of a bed holding the vial in her hands.

"I don't even know if it's possible," Davina says looking down at the vial. "But I do have Vincent's blood. If I can take Finn's blood and do the spell right, I should be able to track Vincent down."

"I should have sensed something was wrong when Freya didn't call. Now Lucien has a head start. Go, witch. Tend to your spells. I won't rest until she's found." Finn accepts annoying Kol.

"Behold, the selfless martyr," Kol exclaims causing Davina's slightly panicked motherly instincts to kick in and her to gently pull the stroller away as Kol continues. "First, he wants to rip Davina's head off for trapping him in his body. Now he can't wait to be spelled."

"Finn..." Elijah intervenes before a fight can break out. "You and I shall go together. Kol, you stay here with Davina, please."

"You're going with him?" Kol interrupts. "So the two people responsible for not destroying the white oak when they had the chance, thus putting us in this bloody mess, are now off to try and fix it. That's just marvelous. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Kol, look at me. I don't know this magic. I need your help." Davina intervenes, pulling his arm toward her making him break his focus on his brothers. She pulls him and Joshlynn's stroller toward the door. "Come on. Let's go."


After doing the spell and only finding that Freya was in Northern Virginia the trio went to Cami in search of help getting an object to help boost the connection.

"I know it's here somewhere," Cami explained as she searched through the mess.

"Hard to keep track of all your stolen goods?" Kol explained in annoyance.

"Kol." Davina scold as she held Joshlynn in her arms.

"My family did not steal these. They just kept the very deadly toys you left strewn about this city from falling into even deadlier hands." Cami snapped back at the original.

"You know what, Luv? I'm here now. So maybe I should take back what's mine." Kol threatened.

"Let's see what happens if you try." Cami threatened back, showing no fear for the original.

"Oh, that sounds like fun to me." As Kol spoke the veins under his eyes appeared.

"Kol!" Davina exclaimed, holding Joshlynn tight to her chest, making him calm down and turn to her. "Get out." She commanded, leading to him vamp speeding out the door. "I'm sorry. I think he's getting used to being a vampire again. I'm sure you can relate."

"Yeah. If that's his problem." Cami commented as she went back to searching.

"What does that mean?" Davina questioned confused as she readjusted Joshlynn so she could lay her head on her shoulder.

"I've seen that look before, Davina. My uncle... after he was cursed." Cami explained.

"Kol's not cursed. I'd be able to tell." Davina denied.

"Would you?" Cami genuinely questioned. "Look, maybe I'm wrong. Just... be careful, okay?" Cami advised before handing over the bowl to Davina's free hand.

"Thanks, Cami," Davina responded before turning to leave and stopping, she turned back and asked. "I hate to ask this but with all the Mikaelson drama is there any way you'd be able to watch Joshlynn for a few hours?"

A smile broke onto Cami's face. "I'd be happy to watch your little lady." Davina handed the young Mikaelson witch over before giving her usual full detailed explanation of the contents of the diaper bag and heading out with a 'thank you'.


Davina sat in St. James, Joshlynn cradled sleeping peacefully in her arms. "Got your message," Vincent said as he walked into the bar. "I don't know what's more surprising... you saving my ass today or wanting to see me afterwards."

"I need your help." Davina declared as she carefully stood from her spot.

"Davina, I don't know if I'm your guy. Outside these walls, the Ancestors have a, uh, a pretty strong say in what I can and cannot do." Vincent reasoned with the young mother.

"They're manipulating Kol, too," Davina responded.

"Yeah," Vincent said with a nod.

"I tested his blood." Davina continued. "It's infused with their magic, which means they corrupted the spell I used to bring him back. They couldn't get to me, so they're making him lose control. I don't know what to do. "

"Oh. Davina Claire." Vincent spoke gaining power with every sentence. "You know, I used to respect them. The Ancestors, I mean... The more and more I watched them, the more I saw them just using people for their own needs. Then when they're done, they just... toss them aside. Like they're trash. And if you disobey 'em... whoa, right? If we disobey 'em, then they're gonna shun us. If we disobey them, then they're gonna cripple us! They're gonna k*ll us! They've got to be stopped, Davina. They've been getting in my head and some of the stuff I see it's bad. It's dark and scary and your little girl seems to be the star. They've got to be stopped. And it looks like it's just gonna be on us to do it."

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