Chapter 15:The Devil Comes Here and Sighs

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Davina and Kol walked to the entrance of St. James which was in full swing party mode as Kol held a car seat holding a dazed Joshlynn. Though as Kol got closer to the entrance fear seemed to creep into him. Fear that he'd hurt someone, fear that the bar wasn't safe for Joshlynn, which in all fairness was probably right. "Oh, I can't be here, Davina. This is a bad idea."

Kol probably would have ran out of there as fast as he could if Davina hadn't grabbed onto his free arm. "Magic won't affect you in here, so step inside." Davina pulled him through the doorway and he felt the fear and anger that had been building up since he came back slowly melt off. "And take your mind off it." Davina continued as she took her jacket off while watching the speechless vampire. "Feeling better?"

Kol softly chuckles as he walks closer to her, the child still easily held in his hand. "Seems I owe you again. You must be growing tired of saving my ass."

"Mm, actually, I kind of like it." Davina flirted back, before continuing the conversation. "And what would you say if I told you I had a way to fix all of our problems?"

"What do you have in mind, darling?" Kol questioned before noticing the new regent of New Orleans, Vincent, raise his glass in greeting.


The three now sat around a table as Joshlynn sat on Kol's lap completely entrapping in messing with his fingers. Vincent and Davina were focused on Kol while the original seemed much more interested in the tiny witch that happily sat on his lap.

"Try to remember. Your spirit was trapped with the Ancestors. Did they say anything?" Vincent questioned the Mikaelson.

"Yeah, well, it's hard to recall what anyone is saying when there's a boot in your face." Kol snarkily replied as he continued looking down at his daughter.

"Imagine when Davina brought you back. Did you hear voices, spells, chants? I don't know. A threat?" Vincent continued to try.

"There wasn't any talk. All right, they hate me because I'm a Mikaelson." Kol said finally looking up to the witch across from him.

"What's the point of these questions?" Davina asked out of frustration.

"The Ancestors made a deal with Lucien," Vincent explained gaining the other two's immediate attention. "That's an act of war. Now they're coming after Kol. If I knew why, then maybe I could convince them that's there's a better way. Maybe I could talk some sense into 'em."

"You make them sound like they're a committee of sort. Reasonable people." Kol spoke sarcastically as Joshlynn started leaning her head against Kol's chest and quietly whine. Kol instantly repositioned her so she was facing him resting her head on his shoulder and the little baby calmed down. Kol hadn't even thought about it as the instant seemed to kick in.

"The dead were once the living." Vincent tried to reason. "All the living really want to do is avoid trouble and protect their own." Vincent chuckled to himself as he thought of a memory. "I remember coming to Music Days when I was a kid. I-I remember all the covens gathering together. And no matter what your beef was with somebody else, well, that one day it was all good. And you could feel the presence of all those that came before. You could feel 'em watching. Peaceful. Now, ever since vampires took over this city, those same spirits have been restless. And the covens will never know peace with the Mikaelsons living here. Now, my guess is the Ancestors see Lucien as a weapon. Use him on vampires, right? Use him on the family that begot them. And if we're gonna stop that, somebody's gotta convince the Ancestors there's a better way." Vincent explained before standing up to walk away only for Kol to quickly raise up and block his path.

Kol spoke hardly. "Why would you ever help me?"

Genuinely Vincent replied. "This isn't about you. It's about Davina. It's about Joshlynn and every other future witch of New Orleans. I figure I owe them that much."

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