Chapter 4:Little Girl

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7 months later

9 month pregnant Davina Claire and her best friend, Josh Rosza, sit at Rousseau's. Davina is, of course, drinking something non-alcoholic but this bar was a popular one and they got to see their friend Cami O'Connell. They had been doing this once a week for a few months as a way to not lose touch even though she was regent. "So what have you been thinking for baby names?" Josh asks his very pregnant friend causing her to rest her hand on her stomach "Well I don't know. I've been struggling a bit to think of one. I mean I wanted to be doing this with Kol." Davina replies with a sad expression.

"Well" Josh starts as he gets a piece of paper out of his back pocket "I figured you wouldn't have many ideas so I came up with a few." Davina takes the paper from his hand and lets out a laugh before opening it up "Okay let's see what you got. For a boy Branden, Nolan, Darrel, Randal, Josh, Jonathan, Alec, Davey. Oh, I like Davey." "Davey Claire" Josh spoke "Davey Claire-Mikaelson" Davina corrected causing Josh to nod before responding "So you decided to give the kid his name." Davina smiled thinking of how that would connect her child to Kol "My baby deserves to be connected to their father." "Yeah I get that but the name Mikaelson also connects them to a lot of bad people like Klaus, Elijah, and Rebecca. Do you really want your kid to have a connection to them too?"

Davina understood his point, she hated them but her child would still have their name. She had to make him understand "Your right I don't like the fact that my kid will be related to them but if it isn't then it isn't related to Kol either. And it is as much my baby as it is his. Now, how about we talk about girl names, here let me see." The pregnant witch said looking back at the list Josh had made her "Isabelle, Karissa, Rylie, Payton, Alise, Regena. They're pretty names but none of them feel right, you know?" Josh nods "Yeah, you'll figure it out and you at least have a little bit more time."

As if the universe was trying to laugh at him the second he said that a gush of water falls down Davina's legs, grabbing both their attention. "Well apparently this little one doesn't agree with you, that was my water breaking." Josh's eyes widen as he looks at her "So you're in labor?" he questions causing her to smile and nod "Well I think I've been having contractions for the past two or three hours. I thought it was just Braxton hicks but your water doesn't break with Braxton hicks." Josh's eyes widened even more "Well then we need to get you to the hospital." As he speaks he stands up, grabs money from his pocket for the bill, and starts picking up their coats until Davina puts a hand on his shoulder stopping him.

"Okay calm down mister my doctor said that I don't have to go into the hospital until my contractions are four to five minutes apart. Mine are around 20. So I have time." Davina explains while getting up and grabbing her bag and coat "But I think I'll go home and grab my hospital bag so I'm ready for when it is time." With that, she leaves with Josh following behind her not wanting her to be alone when the baby does come.


Two hours later

Davina's contractions have sped up and she's now lying in a hospital bed. Her contractions are 4 minutes apart and they hurt like hell. But she isn't alone, both Josh and Marcel are with her each taking turns holding her hand as the contractions go by. Honestly, all she wants at the moment is Kol, but he is the one person who can't be here. Davina is brought out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. Marcel goes to open it and Davina can see it's Freya Mikaelson walks in ignoring Marcel trying to tell her now wasn't a good time.

Freya walks up to the feet of Davina's bed and looks at her before speaking "I heard a new witch was being born today in the Quarter, thought I would come and ask if you needed anything." Davina looks at Freya slightly surprised, she didn't know her well but she didn't think that she would offer her help in this. "Not just any witch" Davina speaks "A witch with the name Mikaelson." A smile appears on Freya's face "You chose to give her our name?" She questions causing Davina to give her a resistant nod, not trusting her. "Well, then that changes things. This baby is a Mikaelson which means she's family, and I would do anything for family." Freya sits on the edge of the bed next to Davina

"So what do you need me to do? Yell at the nurses about something, get you something to eat, go and get a camera from the gift shop so you can take dozens of pictures of your baby? You name it I'll do it because I am going to be right outside that door when my niece or nephew is born so you might as well put me to work." Freya spoke calmly and sweetly and Davina couldn't help but let a small smile appear on her lips. "Well," Davina spoke, "I suppose a camera wouldn't hurt." The smile on Freya's face grew as she nodded and left for the gift shop.


Hours later

Davina lays in her hospital bed with sweat-soaked hair holding her little bundle of joy in her arms. The birth had gone as any normal child's would which Davina was extremely thankful of. She had a daughter and she loved her more than she had thought possible. Sitting beside her was Josh and Marcel smiling widely at the little girl in her mothers' arms. "Hi Little Girl, you're just perfect aren't you?" Davina says as her daughter grabs a hold of her finger.

A voice is heard grabbing the group's attention "Davina she's beautiful." They look up to see it's Freya who apparently snuck in without Davina noticing, she was very wrapped up with her little girl. Davina smiles at Freya, having a Mikaelson who was alive on her daughter's side would help keep her safe from everything, but especially Klaus. "Freya I would like you to meet my daughter. My beautiful daughter's name is Joshlynn Marcella Claire-Mikaelson. After my best friend, my father figure, and her father who I know she will someday meet. Her name connects her to all the important people who I hope will be there for her."

"Well, I definitely will. I am going to spoil this little girl rotten." Josh says, looking at Davina whose eyes are still locked on Joshlynn. Freya takes a step closer so she is right behind Marcel. "I will protect her with my life from anything." Freya says trying to win a bit of Davina's trust, but Davina isn't sure and takes this time to ask the thing she has been wanting to know since Freya came in earlier today "Even from Klaus?" All eyes shoot to Freya, clearly, the boys were wondering the same thing. "I don't think Klaus will try to hurt her but if he does I wouldn't let him. I promise you, Davina." Freya says calming Davina down as she looks back to her baby. That's when Marcel chips in "Yeah and she'll have the vampires looking out for her and with you as regent, she'll have the witches." Davina nods, still not looking up. No one was ever going to hurt her little girl, she would make sure of it.

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