Chapter 8:Out of the Easy

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Davina sits in the cemetery playing with her one month old little girl. Davina shook a rattle in front of her face and watched as her eyes followed it eagerly. Davina couldn't help but smile at her little witch. She was so distracted by Joshlynn she didn't even notice when Hayley walked in until she heard her voice "She should be smiling soon." Davina's head shot up at the sound and her grip tightened on Joshlynn out of reflex. Seeing it was Hayley she instantly relaxed and replied "Yeah, she just hit 6 weeks a few days ago so a smile could happen anytime."

Hayley reached for Joshlynn and Davina handed her over "You're gonna come hang out with your Aunt Hayley, Uncle Jackson, and your cousin Hope. I don't think it'll be the most exciting Thanksgiving when we have two girls under the age of two in the apartment. Just giving you a heads up." Hayley spoke to the infant in her arms causing Davina to laugh before grabbing her daughter's stuff. Davina grabbed a baby bag and walked over to Hayley "I just fed her about an hour ago so she'll probably need more in 2-3 hours. I made two bottles but I should be back to pick her up before you need the second one. She should go right to sleep after her bottle. I put a couple rattles and other toys she likes in here. And-" Hayley stops Davina mid rant.

"Davina, I've got her okay. I promise everything is gonna be fine." Hayley tried to reassure her and Davina nodded while not taking her eyes off her daughter. "Davina, when was the last time you had Marcel or Josh watch her for you?" Hayley asked, noticing how nervous she was. Davina hesitated before answering "Well you watched her during Cadeau." Hayley's eyes go wide as she takes a step closer to the witch "Davina have you not been away from Joshlynn in 6 weeks?"

Davina looks at her shoes giving Hayley her answer. "Well then what is so important for you to let her away from you?" Hayley asked, moving on from her earlier questions. She understood Davina's clinginess, Davina had witches that wanted her shunned or dead. Because of that she wasn't about to risk her daughter being with anyone else. "I'm doing a spell to get in contact with the ancestors to try and find out more about this prophecy and it's going to take my full attention." Davina answered. "Well, enjoy your witching. Call if you need anything. And your daughter will be safe and sound at my place." Hayley explained as Davina kissed her daughters head and the hybrid and baby witch left.


Davina sits on the ground in a crypt in the cemetery. She was surrounded by candles. She focused on her daughter and the possible power she could possess. She had been trying to get answers from the ancestors since she found out about the prophecy but they weren't giving in. This was supposed to help her tap into the ancestors and hopefully get some answers that they might not want to give. But Davina couldn't figure out why they would be trying to keep her in the dark as much as they were. If her daughter was meant to have that kind of power wouldn't she need to help her learn to control it.

As Davina focused on the spell and her daughter she suddenly got flashes of pictures. They flashed by so fast she could barely see what some were others she had absolutely no clue about. But in all the ones she could see was a girl of many ages with brown hair. Joshlynn. This was the prophecy, but she couldn't slow it down. Davina watched it on repeat for what felt like hours until she was finally able to see something else. It was another face, maybe the one face that she didn't want to see when looking at her daughter's future. Klaus.


Hours had passed since Davina had done the spell and everything had changed. Not only was she no longer Regent but she had been shunned from the coven. Things had changed for Hayley too, she had gone to help the Mikaelsons and because of that Jackson left. Davina went to pick up Joshlynn from Hayley's and when she got there she was invited in for a drink. The two sat on the couch going over their terrible days with alcohol as their daughters slept in the next room. After going over all the terrible things that had happened in both their days Hayley remembered the reason Joshlynn was over there in the first place "So did you find anything else out about the prophecy?"

Davina leans even farther back into the couch and explains "Not much. When I did the spell I was able to see the prophecy but it went by so quick I barely got anything out of it." Hayley leans forward interested and asks "Well what were you able to make out?" Davina smiles at the thought of what she saw "Joshlynn." She says before explaining "I saw Joshlynn over the years. From the little baby I was with this morning to a beautiful teenager. God I never even thought of what she would be like as a teenager until I saw that." Hayley smiles before asking "Anything else?" With that Davina's smile drops as she nods and answers "Klaus. I saw her with Klaus. I don't know why but I saw her as a teenager, her eyes full of tears, standing in front of Klaus. I don't know how to protect her from a future I can't even begin to imagine."

Do you guys want Joshlynn to grow up pro Mikaelson or against them? I already know how the story is going to turn out but I want to know your guesses.

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