Chapter 1:Exquisite Corpse

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Eva Sinclair is on the loose and has taken Davina Claire to take power from. When Eva connected herself to Davina she could feel her power but she also felt something else, it wasn't quiet magic. It was the potential for magic, she could feel it great magic was there ready to be tapped into but it wasn't Davina's magic it was someone else's. Davina Claire was pregnant. At this point in time no one knows not even the girl herself. But that only lasted so long. The truth came out when Marcel finds an injured Eva Sinclair.

Marcel Gerard rushes in to find Eva healing her wounds and rushes the cuffs onto her hands. "Oh-ho-ho. Not really keen on another witch headache." He says to Eva as she looks completely shocked by this situation. "Dark objects. How did a damn vamp find me?" she replies angry. Marcel smugly replies "Had a little help. Someone who knew where an injured witch on the run might go to heal up." Following his comment Vincent walks through the doorway leaving Eva even more shocked.

Suddenly and angrily Marcel pins against a wall and yells "No time for catch up. Release Rebekah now." A grin grows on Eva's face as she says "Best not damage the packaging or you might never see her again. Or your little adopted witch, Davina."

Marcel freezes for a second before questioning "What did you just say?" Eva laughs "Oh, some daddy figure you are. I've been feeding off her and her unborn child for days, and you didn't even know they were gone?" In Marcel's anger he missed the part about her unborn child but Vincent didn't. In fact this information quickly grabbed his attention as slammed Eva against a table "Where is she?" Eva replies "Release me, and you can have what's left." "No" he answers without hesitation and puts pressure on her wound causing her to let out a scream.

Marcel now done asking questions says "I think I'll just torture you until you give me what I need." Before he can continue Vincent steps forward and says "Torture ain't gonna do it, man. Half the witches in this city went after her, she ain't say a thing." With that Marcel lets go of Eva with force turning his attention to Vincent "You got a better idea?" he asks. Vincent looks at him and replies "Yeah." he starts walking closer to Eva and continues "Let me talk to her."


Vincent gets information that all the children are alive, and he lets Eva go so that he can find them. He helps Eva get the last person she needs for her spell she takes him to the kids. With them is the pregnant Davina Claire. As Eva is preparing the last person for  the sacrifice Vincent hits her over the head with a pipe, knocking her unconscious.

Vincent gets the rest of the group involved and they find a way to kill Eva without killing Rebekah, Davina or any of the other kids. When Davina finally awakens she is reunited with Marcel with a hug.


Back at the Mikealson home Rebekah stands in the hallway staring at her portrait. Nik walks into the room drinking a bottle of bourbon and stops looking at her causing her to look at him and say "What. You're not fishing for a thank you I hope." He gives her a smirk and replies "I'd find myself freezing in hell before I got one from you. Well come on the, let's get you back to your proper body. Though I'll likely have to torture Freya and Esther to do so, which actually, might be quite fun."

Rebekah looks back at her brother and replies "No, Nik, I'm staying put." he gives her a confused look before she continues "Eva's gone for good but her body, this body is still linked to Davina and those children. I can feel it. If I leave it, then it dies, and Davina and the others die with it." Nik gets another smirk planted on his face as he says "So bloody what?" Rebekah gets a smile on her face as she walks closer to her body saying "I happen to like Davina. I'm not about to let her die. Besides do you really want the wrath of every New Orleans witch upon us just as Dahlia arrives? We need them on our side, or, at the very least, not siding against us. And there's also the matter of Kol. I vowed I'd bring him back. I can't even attempt to do that if I'm not a witch."

Nik looks at her with worry in his eyes "Freya's been inside my head. She knows my secrets." Rebekah scuffs and says "So she knows you go very far for very few. So Bloody what? Niklaus. Just for one second can we just be what we need to be? A family united." Nik takes a step closer and puts his hand on the side of her face "For now. For you." he then kisses her on the forehead and turns and starts to walk away when Rebekah stops him "Nik. There is something else you need to know." He turns back and looks at her as she continues "Nik Davina is pregnant, I can feel it in her magic and looking at her history it's Kol's. I know you hate her but I'm asking you, please don't do anything to jeopardize the pregnancy." Nik looks her in the eyes and nods "Okay." Before he can completely get away Rebekah says "Thank you" Causing him to leave with a big grin on his face.


Marcel, Davina, and Josh are sitting at the bar at Rousseau's when Vincent walks up to them. Marcel turns to see him and says "Hey what can I do for you?" Vincent answers him while his eyes continue to bounce back to Davina "Actually I'm not here to see you. I'm here to talk to Davina." Her brow creases in confusion as he continues "When I was with Eva she said something about you she said that the magic in you wasn't normal. She said it was almost like two different magic signatures but only one was tapped into." Davina stares at him not understanding what he means while Josh and Marcel sit on either side of her having the same reaction "Davina" he continues "She said that you were pregnant" With that all eyes fall onto her and she is left not knowing how to respond.

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