. mud .

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A/N: y'all should've known i would most definitely include a field trip storyline in this fanfiction. if you like this chapter and the next few, i have a few one-shots that have the same feel. go check them out please!!

Word Count: 2360

"Mr. Parker, I'm sorry to say that, you're not going to be allowed to attend the club field trip." Something sank in Peter's gut and he frowned.


The one thing Peter has been looking forward to was now ruined. Ever since the Rogue's have come back he's been so stressed. Y/N decided to switch to online school for the remainder of their Junior year, considering her new found leadership role. Taking time for the "new" team members to settle in, she'll join him and their friends in graduating next year.

But this trip was the one time he wouldn't have to worry about stupid people, killer H.Y.D.R.A. agents, or pointless school work. At the beginning of the year, Y/N was excited too but of course she couldn't go because she's "not really in school" so she "can't be a part of a club".

The teacher sighed, "Your attendance to the club is spotty and the board had made rules about which members were allowed to attend to keep kids from joining the club last second in order to go on the trip-,"

"But I was the one that won the winning point in the finals this year I-,"

"I know that Mr. Parker but it's not up to me."

"But all my attendance stuff was for my Internship-,"

"Mr. Parker!" The teacher said over top him, suddenly angry. "I can't speak for what you say outside of my classroom but I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from lying to my face. Understood!" Peter swallowed again, before nodding, "You're not allowed to go." The teacher said finally, as he took off his glasses placing them on his desk.

"I'm sorry Mr. Parker."

Peter's legs walked him out of the room without him really noticing and Ned frowned at him.

"Hey? What's up?" Ned asked and Peter just shook his head.

"I- I can't go on the trip."

Ned's eyes widened his mouth open for a second before any words came out, "What! Why!"

Peter frowned.

"Apparently my attendance is 'spotty'," Ned frowned,

"Well but that was because-,"

"They don't believe me." Ned was silent and Peter sighed.

"Well-," Ned said tripping over himself, "We could, I mean Tony and my mom might let us stay home that day then and we can build that helicarrier model or something together-,"

"Ned-." Peter began but Ned kept going, "We could put star wars on the tv and just go for it-,"

"Ned, don't," Peter said and Ned's mouth closed.

"I saw how excited you were about the trip." Peter said and Ned frowned, "I'm not going to make you miss it." Ned opened his mouth again and Peter shook his head, "You deserve to have fun, look, I'll just keep working on my robot with Y/N or something."

Ned slowly smiled again, before hugging Peter.

"You're the BEST dude!" Peter smiled before Ned pulled back, "So did you just say the word 'robot'?" Peter smiled as Ned leaned in an eyebrow quirked.

"In fact. I did."


"But the fact he wants you working on it in his lab, dude that's so cool! He usually only let's Y/N in there!" Ned was basically jumping up and down and Peter laughed as he pushed the front doors of the school open.

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