.B U C K Y ?.

883 20 3

Word Count: 434

(Don't mind the title of this chapter and the ones ahead, I don't know where my font website went!)

As soon as he walked in, he saw him.

Bucky moved to Y/N's knees, grabbing them. However, before he can pull her down, she gets one leg out of his grip, rolling on her side and pulling him down with her leg, sending him tumbling.

She stands up, grabbing him by the legs and pulling him closer. She flips him over, grabbing his arms and pinning them on top of the back of his head. She places her legs on either side of him and slips her hands between his arms, holding him in place. Bucky manages to push her off, sending her flying off of him as he used all his force. She lands on her feet, using her hand to balance herself. She runs to Bucky, but he holds his metallic arm out to stop her. She grabs it, using it to jump up, wrapping a leg around his neck and swinging the other one around his neck. He moves to grab her legs but she flips off of him, landing on one foot, her other leg stretched out. She punches his gut, sending him to lurch forward. 

She ducked under his punch, getting back up just as quickly and trying to elbow his chest. He grabbed hold of her joint and pushed her back. As she came rushing back in for a straight punch to his face, his metal hand flew right to her jaw.

She staggered back before falling to her knees. Her hair fell in front of her face and a few strands stuck to her glistening forehead, a long groan escaping her. "Wow James, after all we've gone through."

The two continue to fight for a few more minutes until she tackled James and restrained his arm.

Steve caught his breath, amazed at the sight of Bucky not brainwashed and looking like he's actually having fun. "Bucky!" Said man looked up and straight at him.

"Bucky's" mind went throughout the past year without Steve and his friends. He vaguely felt Y/N step in front of him and her talking to Steve. "...you can't call him that anymore, it's James." She turned around and reassured him, telling him to take a break and go into the locker room for a bit. 

Soon enough the rest of Steve's team trickled in, all geared up and tense. As they awaited for the New Avengers to enter the room they watched Y/N warm-up, in awe of her water powers. Then everything went to shit.

A/N: really short but I wanted to get this out, I am working on the next chapter as we speak. xoxo sam

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