.Adult Stuff.

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Word Count: 4925

"OK." As Y/N turned to Scott, the door opened again and Rhodey stepped into the room, sliding into a seat gracefully.

He glanced quickly around the table, nodding to each of them in turn. "I apologize for being late," he said.

Y/N shrugged. "We were just getting to it," she said. Her attention returned to the group as a whole. "Look, a lot happened to get us all where we are right now, affecting several sovereign countries, the European Union, the UN, the United States, and individuals. There's no single entity that handles everything, and frankly there's pretty much no chance that everyone would agree regardless. If you're thinking that there's some kind of magical all-encompassing all-nations 'pardon', you're wrong, there is no such thing, and if you're looking for unicorns go watch My Little Pony. So what you're going to hear is going to be broken down into those different areas."

Romanoff leaned back a little in her chair, her mouth tightening further. She was starting to get it, though Hope doubted that she had any idea of the scale. There was a lot they didn't know.

"Just get to the grovelling already, L/N," Wilson pretended to examine his fingernails. "You have a schedule to keep, remember?"

Y/N gestured at Lang. "You. First, the sovereign nations and EU. Germany is very upset with you." She smiled thinly. "You are officially barred from entering Germany – or anywhere else in the European Union. Frankly, the fact that no one really knows who you are is the only thing currently saving your ass and keeping Germany from sending a retrieval squad after you, thanks to several billion dollars' worth of damage you personally caused at the Leipzig Airport. Fortunately for you, the insurance companies have decided that Pym Technologies makes a better target for their lawsuits. Even with that, you're facing charges in Germany of illegal entry, destruction of property, criminal endangerment, assault and battery, flight from prosecution and escaping prison. Tony left the part where you tried to kill him by disabling the suit during flight from his report. Still, Germany is willing to stay the charges except for the property damage. If you return to the US permanently, you won't be extradited – Germany has agreed to deal with you in absentee."

Lang looked as though he'd just been hit with a bat. The smile was gone and his face had gone dead white. Rhodes was staring at him murderously – apparently Tony hadn't mentioned Lang trying to kill him before now, and Rhodes seemed to be considering how to dismember him with the power of his brain. Hope added her own glare to his.

Lang muttered, "I wasn't trying to kill him!"

Y/N continued inexorably. "I just said he left that part out... The US has revoked your passport and has issued a warrant for your arrest for your parole violation. Since Pym Technologies is currently using the defense in the lawsuits that their technology was used without their knowledge or permission, the warrant includes additional charges of grand larceny."

"What... what about the Accords?" Lang swallowed hard, looking at Clint desperately.

"Scott..." Hope shook her head slowly and then gentled her tone. "Scott. The UN reviewed your information and the council does not feel that you're a suitable candidate for the Avengers. But they are willing to consider you if Y/N decides she wants you on the team."

"Lang held his own against Tony, War Machine, and Vision," Rogers glared. "How does that not make him a original candidate? If it's because of his past and the whole jail thing..."

"No," Rhodey interrupted. "He used stolen technology that he had nothing to do with creating and that does not require specialized skills to operate." He stopped abruptly and focused his gaze on Lang instead of Rogers. "Pardon me. You used stolen technology. You have no powers, and you have no other specialized skills that translate into qualifying for the Accords. If you want to try and become affiliated with a local group rather than the international one, then go for it. But without the suit – and Pym Technologies has disabled the one you had – I don't expect it to happen."

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