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Word Count: 1492

They were shown to their rooms which were much smaller then their last rooms and when asked why they had even been moved in the first place. Y/N had answered that new people had moved in since they had moved out. Simple as that apparently. But they hadn't actually moved out, they'd left for a few months and were now back. So where was all their stuff?

"Well, some of it's stored in a warehouse south of here, like the bigger custom furniture but if it was small enough for someone to pick up without help than most likely it's gone." Peter answered, and at that the rogues grew furious.

"What do you mean gone?!"

"How could you just get rid of our belongings like that?"

"Is Stark really that petty?"

Peter and Harley's face grew dark at the last comment, but the youngest restrained himself when he replied, "Considering you were wanted fugitives -not just in the US, but around the world and you all knew you were going against the law- you should've known that going against the Accords the way you did would make you someone not welcomed back to the compound with open arms. We didn't expect you to come back at all really."

"But isn't that what's happening right now?" Sam jumped in. "We were pardoned and now we're back at the compound." He said, brows furrowed.

"To be perfectly honest, Mr. Wilson, this is not a welcome back. We are not happy you're here and I, personally would rather have you not stay here seeing as this is Stark Industries property. However, the team decided you all needed a cushion to start off with, seeing as none of you have actual jobs to rent an apartment, much less buy your own groceries." Y/N sounded like she was talking down to them.

There was a small trilling bell that sounded from Clint's phone, so he pulled it out. A text message.

"We only just got home and I want someone put together to tell me why I just got a text from my son saying 'Stay out of the West wing. We don't want to talk to you.'"

Everything stopped. Y/N looked up and so did the other teenagers. The other Avengers didn't move either, their voices caught in their throats.

Clint paused and took a deep breath, staring down at his phone- most likely the text- and grinded out, "Ms. L/N, if you would be kind enough to tell me why my family is in this compound and why they're in the West wing of all places I'd very much appreciate it." There was a dangerous edge to his tone, like he was ready to unhinge. The West wing was only for Avengers, outside of them if you wanted access you would have to deliberately request to stay there and even then barely anyone got verified. Steve only remembers seeing two people who weren't a part of the Avengers walk through that part of the compound and it had been Pepper and the secretary of state.

Y/N turned to meet the archer's eyes and through a tight lipped smile said, "I'm sorry, Barton but it wouldn't be appropriate for me to tell you why your family chose to have their living space in that particular location. However, I can tell you that they were brought to the compound just before Ross sent out a team to search your farm house. At the moment the secretary does not know of their where abouts and the team would like to keep it that way."

Clint spluttered for a moment. "Ross sent people after my family?" He asked, though he did seem a hair calmer. "I... Who got them out? What team?"

"Tony and the other Avengers, including me, retrieved Laura and the kids just after learning of Ross' plans to have them investigated to see if they knew where you were hiding out."

"Tony?" Steve asked, completely bewildered by Pepper's answer. "Why would he..." He trailed off.

"Yes, Mr. Rogers, our friendly neighborhood Iron Man did the right thing." Y/N said, tone bitter.

Clint still looked confused but at least he was no longer angry. "And Barton? Those meetings that are 'usually not important' and are probably the most important thing in your life right now other than your family, seeing as we're discussing whether or not Stark Industries will continue funding the Avengers."


After learning their funding might be cut, and then hearing that if that were to happen Tony Stark would pick up funding out of his own pocket, everyone was a bit dumbstruck. Their first thought had been that the only reason Tony would fund them privately would be out of the selfish need to always be in the spot light as Iron Man, but then they realized he could self fund and completely drop the Avenger's title all together. He didn't need them really, the billionaire had been fine in the past when going solo.

Now everyone was slowly filtering out of their new bland bedrooms and into the common area that connected them all. 

None of them had changed, or showered, or eaten since they had landed about five hours ago even though that had been everyone's plan for when they first got 'home'.

None of their closets were stocked with clothing like they usually were so it's not like they could change anyways, and no one really wanted to relax after absorbing all of the information they just had. So, they sat together in a comfortable silence, waiting for something to happen.

Eventually something did happen.

A kid who looked to be in his mid-teens and Harley came in with a small metal box. The Avengers sat up straighter and watched the kids walk closer until they were right in front of each other.

"An intern was supposed to come by and give you all this but we wanted to do it instead, even though my dad and Y/N would be pissed that we're even talking to you." Harley said, preoccupied with unlatching the little box and flipping it open.

"Language." Steve muttered involuntarily before looking strangely at the older boy. "And you are...?" He asked, gesturing at him.

"Peter. His brother-in-law, not officially though." When Steve still looked helplessly confused Peter held out his left hand, bent in his middle and ring finger and made a 'psst psst' sound.

"You're the Spider-boy?" Asked Sam incredulously. Clint was also staring at Peter but he had put one and two together just from noticing Peter's height, body type and voice.

"Spider-Man! God! I-I Ugh!" Peter exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air dramatically before continuing. "We have your stupid security badges and your stupid credit cards for your stupid faces." He grumbled childishly.

Harley rummaged around in the box some more before pulling out a handful of lamented badges. He handed them each their own and reminded them that they were required to wear them at all times for at least the first month of being back so people could familiarize themselves.

"How would someone not recognize us? I mean, c'mon we're basically famous." Scott said, examining the picture of himself on the card.

"J-just wear the badges and get over it." Peter sighed as he passed around another set of cards.

"Each of those have one hundred thousand dollars on there. You don't get it renewed for a year, and since you don't have bills or groceries to pay for you should be fine." Harley told them.

Steve narrowed his eyes. "We used to have unlimited funds on our cards...?" He asked almost suspiciously.

"Yeah well the average American earns about fifty thousand a year and they have debts, bills and taxes to pay. So, considering you won't be cleared for combat yet you guys are basically just being handed a lot of money without having to do anything for it. Be grateful for once, okay?" Harley replied, staring straight back at Steve menacingly, but since he looked about ten or eleven it wasn't all that intimidating to the Captain.

"Uh huh..." Was all the boy got in response as Steve tucked the credit card into his pocket and clipped on his security badge. It read, 'Steven Grant Rogers. Former military trainee. Enhanced Soldier. Inactive combat participant. Clearance Level: 4'

He used to be clearance level nine.

The metal box clicked shut as the boys turned to walk out of the room. Though, Harley glanced back over is shoulder to say, "And be warned, there's one furry, salty mother fucker waiting for you guys to step out of line for even a second. And he will blow you sky high at any chance he gets." And with that they were gone.

The team was quiet for a moment before Clint asked hesitantly, "... furry?" And looked to Steve, but all he got was a confused shrug in return.

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