.Short Meeting.

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Word Count: 744

Y/N walked down the staircase sighing. She was 2 minutes late for her meeting with rogues, not like she cared, after putting Tiny to bed she had her daily mental breakdown and a bowel of soggy cheerios. As soon as she stepped into the meeting room, the air became so tense you could cut it with a knife. The rogues looked wary of her especially since yesterday after the meeting they got yelled at even more.

flashback woOOoooOooOOOOoooO

"Miss L/N, I don't like what you seem to be implying here," Rogers spoke in a sternly disapproving voice and missing Scott's frantic signals for him to stop speaking, "We've let you say your piece, especially since you were being somewhat kind, but now I want reassurance that my team will be safe."

Tidal's face grew eerily calm and blank, while the Rogue's all stared at Rogers incredulously, even Maximoff and Sam. Rogers looked as though he didn't see a problem with anything he had just said and Y/N's anger burned like a star under the surface of her skin at that realization.

"You make me sick." Her voice, laced with disgust and rage, burned the Rogues, who fearfully turned their gazes to her. "You want assurance that you'll be safe from a group of enhanced beings? You? Rogers, you have the audacity (i love that word😁) to ask for that when you refused to give the same to 117 countries who collectively asked that from you- and when 117 countries can agree on something, you should bloody well discuss it with them at the very least. Tony said that you told him that the safest hands are your own, but I'll tell you now that anarchy doesn't work, and oligarchy is not a feasible solution. I honestly can't believe that you were allowed to lead the Avengers when you consistently act like nothing more than a whining child. I can't believe that two of you left your homes and families based on Captain America's word without listening to what your other friends had to say or thoroughly discussing it with your partners. I can't believe one of you just followed Rogers like an overeager puppy begging for scraps of attention and just stood by as he broke the law and the people in his way. I can't believe another one of you left the compound after being part of a major international incident involving lost lives, on top of not even having a visa, and sent Vision 50 feet underground for trying to non-violently stop you. I can't believe you all told the world's people to go fuck themselves and then left Tony to deal with the whole mess. I can't believe Tony had the fix what you all broke, alone, and then decided to bring you back. I cannot believe the hypocritical bullshit that you insist on spewing out your mouth. You revolt me, and I am horrified that you are allowed to continue inflicting yourself upon the world."

Y/N took in the pale faces of Barton and Wilson, the open-mouthed blank stare of Natasha's, Maximoff's horrified features and shimmering tears, and Roger's frozen, flinching state. Scott was leaning on the table so he was supported by his elbows and had his eyes covered by his hands. He, at least, seemed more resigned than surprised at Y/N's display of devastatingly honest, verbal warfare.

"I think we're done here." After a few moments where she savored the devastation her wrath had wrought, Y/N concluded their meeting. "You make decisions tomorrow, and if you make the right one, training will start in a week."  

No one moved as Y/N left the room and when she made it outside tears started flowing freely from her face. All of that stress that has been there for a while built up and she couldn't hold it in anymore. But she had to be strong for her family, the New Avengers.

flashback is over✌

"Ok, sorry that i'm late. I have come to remind you that tonight at 6 you have to make a decision. Whatever that decision is, I don't really care." Y/N said brutally, "I also came to inform you that training does start in a week if you sign and that we will have another meeting tonight at 6 o'clock sharp for you to turn in your documents and discuss training."

All of them nodded and Y/N left the room without saying anything else.

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