.The Meeting.

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Word Count: 689

Walking into the meeting was surreal, the two sides of the civil war seeing each other after a year. Of course some of the people on the new Avengers side have never talked to the rouges, but that doesn't stop them from hating the fact that they were now in the room. Y/N looked bored already as she showed each rouges to their seat, then went around to the other side of the table to sit. Out of the 20 new Avengers, their were only 6 that decided to attend the meeting (the ones that were trusted to not punch the rouges) Scott kept his head down as he walked in, he was ashamed that he was even there.

Y/N, Peter, Harley, Hope, Vision, and Dr. Strange were not happy to be there. The only reason Peter was even there (he was one of the people who was not trusted to not punch the rouges) is because he needed to support Y/N, after all she is his girlfriend. He decided to not wear his suit and mask because he doesn't want to deal with the rogues crap. Harley was there because he promised that he would not let Peter or Y/N punch anyone since they are the ones that can't wait to "train with them" (read: try to kill them) 

"Okay," Y/N started, "Let's start with introduction, this is Peter aka Spider-man, I believe you guys met him in Germany and earlier today." 

Several of the rogues flinched at the mention of Germany, bringing a satisfied smile on to Y/N's face. "This is Dr. Stephan Strange, Harley Keener also known as Iron Lad, Hope also known as the Wasp-" 

Scott finally looked up, surprise written on his face. "Hey Hope... Do you know how Cassie is?"

Hope sighed, "She's missing her father." A look of hurt crossed his face as she slapped the truth right into his face.

"Any who," Y/N continued, "You guys know Vision." Wanda looked like she wanted to say something but decided against it. "There are many people that are part of the new Avengers that you don't know, you'll meet them later. Rhodey is a little late, he'll be here soon but now let's get to the adult stuff."

"I'm here because the UN asked me – nicely, I might add – to be the one to tell to you all what your situations are. Apparently they're under the mistaken impression that I'm somehow an adult even though i'm only 15. Whatever – I can manage to be one for this meeting anyway." Y/N sighed and straightened. "As a result of your actions, you each have consequences and options available to you." She raked her eyes over them all, meeting the hardening of Rogers's steady gaze with the same composure as the eye rolls and annoyed mutters of the 3 out of the 6 rogues who think they're better. Hope had to admit, Steve Rogers had one hell of a stink eye. "One of those options is to have this discussion in private." She looked at them each in turn again. "Do any of you want to do that?

Wanda's eyes were narrowed as she studied her closely. It didn't look as though she was happy with whatever it was she was seeing.

"Anything you say to one of us you can say to all us together," Wanda declared.

"We need to hear from each of you, out loud please," Harley said brusquely. "For the record."

"We all want to hear this together," Rogers said.

"Yeah," Wilson agreed. "We're with Steve."

"That's a pretty thought," Harley retorted crisply, "You'll have to tell me later whether or not you still feel that way."

"We need to hear from each of you individually," Hope interjected before anyone else could. "... Please," she added as an afterthought.

In turn, Maximoff, Barton, Rogers, Wilson, Lang, and Romanoff stated that they wanted to hear everything as a group. Even though Clint, Natasha, and Scott were a little hesitant. Hope nodded as she made a notation of their agreement and the time on her Stark pad.


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