. backstory .

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WC: 5307

Aria walked towards her office, looking at the piece of the file she needed to turn in. It was perfect, though she wasn't surprised, Parker is a genius kid. As she entered the small room, she turned the lights on and sat down still looking at the piece.

"Excuse me?" A voice said, startling Aria out of her thoughts.

She looked up to see THE Tony Stark, "Oh, sir! I thought you were out of town for the time being."

Aria was right, he was supposed to be out of town. The only problem was, he saw someone snooping in his main frame and decided to meet the person who was the cause of that.

"Yes, but I saw something suspicious with your name on it." Her whole face turned a shade of pink, caught red handed she spluttered some words out. Trying to defend herself was of no use, she hung her head in defeat as Tony asked her why.

"I wanted to understand this whole Rouge Avengers stuff, sir. So I collected data on what I could find and I might've went a little to far."

"That's the understatement of the year." Stark said, narrowing his eyes at the young woman. "Tell me what you gathered, and I'll fill in the blank spots." Aria looked up in shock, why would he be rewarding her for doing something wrong?

"Okay sir. Let me start at the beginning."


About 11 Months Before The Rouge Avengers Arrive:

What could Tony Stark do to help every victim from the Civil War? He had just sent a generous amount of money towards the funerals of the men that died in Berlin trying to apprehend Rogers and Barnes. He'd also had a press conference stating his condolences towards the victims, making sure that the families of the deceased would get help, and offering help to pay the medical bills of the people who didn't have the right insurance to pay for their stay at the hospital. But they still should be helped, the people who died shouldn't be forgotten.

Tony sighed and returned to modifying his BARF so the Wakandan scientists could remove Barnes' triggers.

He'd almost finished programming the first important modification when his phone rang. Laura.

"Tony I need your help, an angry mob has gathered on my fields and scaring the kids, can you come get us?" Shit. Tony suspected that something like this could happen but he'd hoped he was wrong.

"Just hang on, I'm coming."

As soon as he started the quinjet, F.R.I.D.A.Y. sent him a notification that Ross had heard about the mob and wanted to storm the farm in hopes of finding the Barton family and capturing them.

He decided he needed back up, calling down to Y/N, he told her to grab her suit and meet him on the jet.

Tony stepped in the quinjet that was waiting, and hurried to the cockpit. His Iron Man suit loaded in the back. Y/N walked on soon after that and sat in the co-pilot seat. They reached the farm after an hour. Laura hadn't been kidding, this really was one hell of an angry mob. Tony decided to put on his suit, and have Y/N wait inside for the family. He called Laura while flying outside.

"Laura the plane is waiting outside, just go in, I'll get the mob away from here."

Tony didn't wait for a response before flying towards the mob, most of them left the second they saw him. The rest followed when realizing they didn't exactly have the numbers anymore. A few stubborn people stayed behind, but they weren't really a threat.

Tony flew back to the quinjet, stepped out of the suit, and asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to fly the jet back to the compound. Laura could make a decision about staying somewhere else or staying at the compound once she had calmed down.

rogue avengers return │ peter parker¹Where stories live. Discover now