. G o n e .

722 13 9

please read the A/N at the bottom!!

Word Count: 1938

It was announced that Midtown High's Decathlon team was taking a field trip to SI!

Which was awesome for them, and for Ned, but it soooo sucked for Peter.

Ned had fervently tried texting Peter about it as soon as he found out- okay he started texting Peter about it about 10 minutes after his mom had signed his permission slip that night, but all that matters is he did remember to try to warn Peter about it.

That doesn't even matter because there was no answer, Ned could only assume that Peter had gotten his phone smashed in some superhero thing again.

I mean Tony always replaced the phone right after (usually with some new, never before seen model and wasn't that absolutely fucking epic!) but Tony wasn't here or whatever right now.

Peter and Tony really needed to settle down and sort out their mutual father-son feelings before they both silently suffer to death. And Y/N needed to take a break, he tried to text her too but no answer.

Ned had seen the same look in Tony's eyes that he'd seen in Peter's that wistful look that made Ned want to hit them both.

But Ned didn't hit either of them because they would only get embarrassed about the situation and maybe would stop talking to one another which would be the exact opposite of what they needed.

Ned swears that one day he's just going to lock them in a room until they sort out their mutual want of a family themselves.

And Y/N always tried her best but sometimes she just needs to put down her work and focus on family and her boyfriend.

Until then, Ned needed to just be there for Peter. 

Or something, he's just really winging this whole thing. It's not like having a superhero best friend came with a pamphlet or instructions or anything. He's mostly just going off of the comic books he used to read (still reads but no one but Peter needs to know that) and those all have some kind of loyalty- power of friendship kind of deal going on.

So- Ned can only assume that if it's this major of a troupe that it should be something, like, good or whatever.

And he's trying really hard. That part should matter the most.

But gosh darn it! Peter really wasn't kidding with the 'Parker-Luck' stuff!

Ned was staring up at the skyscraper with the same awe as the rest of his class, the experience was only slightly dampened by his attempts to text Peter- discreetly text Peter, and, when that was failing him, Y/N.

But Y/N was probably too busy working-,

Ned didn't have anyone else's number that would be able to contact or warn Peter.

So, he's done all he can do, and with one last text merely reading 'Well, I tried man.' he was settling in to watch Peter suffer from the sidelines.

M.J. already had her sketchbook out. He doubted she even thought for one second that Peter could have gotten out of this mess, or maybe hadn't even really cared enough to want to help him out of this mess.

Or maybe she just thought this was funny.

It was so hard to read her...

Ned had been ushered into the lobby with the rest of the class by their teacher who was checking and re-checking the attendance with military precision because: "I'm not losing any of you kids in this death trap of a building"

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