.T r a i n i n g .

884 23 5

Word Count: 814

18 days earlier:

James lands on the training mat of the gym with a thud and your thighs on either side of his waist and a hand wrapped around his throat. "Come on, I know you can do better," you taunt, laughing above him and making him sneer at you. Just because you're Y/A doesn't mean he'll go easy on you.

Grabbing the collar of your shirt, he pulls you towards him and rolls over, pressing your back against the ground and pinning your arms above your head. "Yeah, well so can you," he taunts you back with a smirk on his face. "I know exactly what you're capable of and I know that you're holding back, солдат (soldier)."

Glaring at him for the name he called you, you pull your legs up to your chest and kick him away from you before jumping to your feet. He stands a few feet away from you with a wicked smirk on his face. "Lo estás pidiendo, sargento (You're asking for it, sarge)," you hiss in Spanish, making him tilt his head slyly at you as you step towards him.

He goes to throw a punch which you swiftly dodge. Grabbing his arm, you step behind him and press it against his back. His hand wraps around your wrist and he throws you over his shoulder. You bring him down with you to the ground by gripping his shirt.

Moving into your killing position (or in this case, the position that will end the training session), you wrap your thighs around his neck. Frowning when you feel his hands on the inside of your legs, he easily pushes them away from his neck, pinning them to the ground as he turns over, wrapping his metallic hand around your throat as he stares down at you.

Gripping his wrist, you sneer up at him as you try to pull your legs out from under him. "Switch up your moves. They become predictable after a while," he states, letting go of your throat and pinning your arms above your head. "Now, try get out of this again. Differently this time."

In the same position as before, you try to pull out of his grip. "You could just let me go," you say, smiling sweetly up at him when you stop wiggling under him.

He gives you a sarcastic look. "That's not how it works," he says, slightly tightening his grip around your wrists. 

"Rude," you muttered under your breath, squirming in his tight hold. "C'mon, let's go again."

They walked to opposite ends of the mat, waiting for someone to make the first move. 

1st person:

James charged at me and I dodged and blocked one of his punches. I landed a punch on his chest, making him stagger back a few steps. When he looked up, I moved to quickly kick him with my left leg, only to have him grab my foot and toss me back onto the mat. I landed with an oof and tried to scramble to my feet, only to have him pin me down.

"Not bad, Y/N/N, but you waited too long," James said.

He stood up and extended his human hand towards me.

"Thanks," I said with narrowed eyes.

We fought again, but this time was a lot harder than the last one. His punches became harder and even though I began manipulating his use of his upper body, I couldn't get him off his feet. James began aiming a series of punches at me but I blocked most of them, taking a hit to the jaw. I managed to shove him back, jump, and wrap my legs around his neck. I squeezed my legs tightly around his neck and James grabbed my legs and tried to pull them apart. Then, James leaned back so that we both crashed onto the mat. I hissed, but didn't release him from my grip, enjoying my winning too much.

"Tap out," I said.

"Never," James managed.

"Come on, it's okay that you lost to me. I am an Avenger after all," I teased.

After thirty seconds, James slapped his metal arm against the ground and I released my grip on him. I laughed a little, feeling elated that I managed to beat him. He sat up and turned to face me.

"You've been training with Valkyrie a lot," Bucky said, rubbing his neck.

"Yeah, it's helped. I've always wanted to do that move," I said.

"Well, I'm glad it worked for you." James smirked.

"I am going to shower and get ready, I have a meeting with the accords committee."

James smirk faltered, "Is it about Stev- I mean Rogers?" Y/N sighed.

"Yes but don't worry James, we will bring him back for you."

"That's the problem," James said plopping down on a bench, "I don't want him to come near me."

DUH DUH DUH! cliff hanger!😆😆😆 

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