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Word Count: 716

"Ok guys," Y/N said as she sat down at the table, "I am so glad that all of you have signed (#sarcasm) the accords." After all of them signed the accords Y/N let them be for a week but they had training to get to.

"So training. Just a recap, as a whole, the Avengers have been split into multiple groups with their abilities matched so each group is at it's best capabilities. These groups change every so often so each individual gets the chance to work with others. We have the Guardians of the Galaxy who are currently off-world, they consist of Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Groot, Rocket, Mantis and Peter Quill, the latter is the only human on the team. They also have Nebula but I'm not sure if she's just there or a member of the team." Y/N took a deep breath, "Another person who is in the outer world is Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel. 

"We have our back-up, this consists of Rhodey, Pepper and Vision. They will only be brought in if there is a dire situation." Y/N braced herself for the questions she would get after this meeting, "The New Avengers, including you guys now since you signed, is split up into 5 earth teams."

"Earth teams?" Rogers questioned

"Not including The Guardians or Danvers. 5 is the team that will be called to action last and will have low level missions, and 1 is the team that will be called to action first and will have high level missions. These teams were decided on strengths, weaknesses, time, and trust." Y/N said eyeing Rogers. "If you have any complaints please put them in the suggestion box." She smirked, pointing to the trash can.

"Now, since i'm the only one here and I am only 15 or should I say underage, if you try to yell at me or hit me, I'm allowed to use self defense." She smiled sweetly, hoping the rogues understood the deeper meaning. "Ok, let's get started!

"So first of all, as I said before a lot of this was based on trust so this doesn't necessarily mean we think your not capable of handling missions physically." Y/N took a deep breath before grabbing a clip board and flipping over a page.

"Team 5 consists of S. Rogers, S. Wilson, S. Lang, and W. Maximoff. Your leader on your missions and in general will be Hope Pym." Lang looked shocked at finding out who his leader was.

"Mrs. L/N-" Rogers started

"Ah, ah, ah Steve." Y/N said pointing to the trash can.

She then continued, "Team 4 is T'Challa, Valkyrie, Hope, and Wong. Their leader is Banner. 2 of these people you have not met yet, but they will be in training."

"Wait. How is Hope on two teams?" Clint asked.

"Everyone who is the leader of a team, moves up into the next team as a teammate." With that Y/N moved on, "Team 3 involves N. Romanoff, C. Barton, Banner, and Nebula. Their leader is Agent Hill." Steve seemed shocked at this.

"How is Nat and Clint on Team 3 and we're on Team 5?" Y/N seemed to be amused by that statement, "The reason they're higher then you Mr. Rogers, is because they are under S.H.I.E.L.D. and that restricts them from many things which makes them easier to trust." With that she moved on.

"Team 2 consists of Agent Hill, Loki, Thor, and Harley. They are lead by myself." Wanda's eye grew red angrily and her hands started to glow. "Oh my god, will you stop that!" Y/N said while making a ball of water above her head and immediately dropping it. Of course she moved on right away ignoring the surprised looks from The Rogues. 

"Ok finally, Team 1! This is the MOST important team and will be called first for every mission." The Rogues sat forward in the sit, interested in who would be on that team. "Parker/Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Myself, and a person who we will not name yet. The leader of this team is Stark." Rogers looked a little irritated at that, but said nothing.

"I guess we need to start training, how about tomorrow?"

A/N: thank you to everyone that stayed with this story and all the votes! <3 - becca

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