.Stupid Rogues.

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Word Count: 1076

Once the two intruders left Tony let out a long, tired sigh before letting the Iron Man armor unfold from around him and pilot itself back to it's docking point in the workshop downstairs. He straightened himself up, still only partially awake, and turned to Laura and Lila with a determined look.

"I am so sorry."

Laura had bright tears glistening in her eyes that threatened to fall, and didn't that just yank on Tony's heart strings? Lila had come out from behind her mother once Clint was completely out of view and there were tear tracks staining her cheeks, and didn't that just rip apart Tony's heart strings?

Both girls rushed forwards and scooped up the three boys and a grumbling Y/N, pulling them all into one, giant group hug. Laura was now openly crying but when Tony pulled back slightly he noticed she was also laughing...? And there was glitter all over everyone...?

"Oh god! You looked so ridiculous!" Cried out Laura, her smile blinding as Lila reached up to fluff Tony's goatee, more pink and blue sparkles raining out of it. Suddenly Tony was chuckling too, slightly more awake now that he was being jostled.

"Y-you scared off my husband looking like that." She shook with laughter, but Tony knew that if there was nothing to laugh about he would be receiving a very different reaction from her.

Peter and Harley joined in the laughter, Y/N did too after watching everyone, and all Tony could focus on was how the light from his arc reactor hit their smiles and think was that he was so, so glad that he had all of them in his life.

line break bitches

The moment Tony noticed the sunlight filtering through the trees he stood abruptly and made his way out of his workshop where Harley had fallen asleep on the couch. He walked briskly out of the West wing and into the east, where the other Avengers had been staying. A purpose to his walk and a confident upwards tilt of his head now that he wasn't half asleep and it wasn't four in the damn morning.

A lot of his working interns waved high and one even offered a danish.

However, that was as far as his pleasantries went, because the next second he was slamming open the doors that lead into the East wing's common area.

Everyone was there; Steve, Sam, Clint, Wanda, and Scott who sat far away from the others.

"What the hell were you idiots thinking!" Tony asked, voice steady but eyes blazing.

The team spluttered for a moment, not knowing how to react to Tony Stark barging into their home, even though that's exactly what they had done to him earlier.

"I had- We have two fucking rules in this compound and you've literally broken both of them within the day of staying here! Not even a day! I have half a mind to throw you out in to the streets of New York right now!" He continued when no one answered.

They had all stood up by now, but only Steve had the decency to look guilty. Clint was the one to speak up though, "You know I needed to see my family, Stark. I- I had to see if they were okay."

"Okay? Okay!?" Tony spit out furiously. "Of course they aren't fucking okay! You left Laura with two kids and a baby in the middle of no where with Ross on her ass!" He was yelling now, he could tell, but he didn't care enough to compose himself.

Steve held up a hand for a second and somehow Tony just knew he was going to be a righteous asshole. "Come on, Stark. You know Clint didn't have a choice. I asked him to help out and he came. If anything, him leaving is on me." Yup, Tony's prediction was right.

The engineer scoffed. "I'm sorry, but if I do recall, Mr. Barton here was retired. Meaning, even if you did call for him he wouldn't have any obligation or need to come aid you in a situation he wasn't even a part of. What did you even tell him to get him to leave behind his family?"

"That you were holding me hostage." Answered Wanda quietly, and at that Tony almost lost his damn mind.

Steve gave him a pointed look that he wanted to roll his eyes at, but he knew that if he did they'd roll right out of his goddamn head.

"Hostage, Steven?" He asked dangerously. "A fucking hostage, Rogers?!" He screamed but all Steve did was nod in response, like what he had told Clint was perfectly reasonable. So, Tony stalked up to him until there was less than a foot between and the arc reactor's like was illuminating their faces grimly.

"Do you want to know why little red riding hood was on house arrest? Because she had just killed a dozen people, give or take a handful of injuries and hospitalizations, in an unsanctioned mission while acting as an Avenger which she never officially, legally joined. And since she was acting under the Avenger's name, which is a US based team, everything just gets worse, because she doesn't even have a fucking visa to be in the United States! Much less serve for us!" He took a moment to just let it all sink in before continuing. "So, the reason why she was stuck in the compound, which is enormous and can fill all her needs might I add, is because there were people who wanted her head on a fucking silver platter. So, if she left the compound and a fight started, whether her fault or not, it would blow up and the Avengers would end, right then and there." He finished with a sideways glance at Wanda who was looking down at the ground.

His gaze flicked back up at Steve to see the man grasping at his words and trying to form his own response. Though, he just looked like a fish gaping for water.

"You're a simple man, Captain America, you may have fought in a war but you just don't understand politics." Tony ended bitterly before sparing a glance at a now guilty looking Clint. "Case in point, Barton. You really didn't have to come. I'm pretty sure my daughter highlighted all of that at the meeting, but I don't think you listened."

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