. The End? .

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Word Count: 8851

"So that is all you know, yes?" Tony asked Aria.

"Yes sir. Now will you fill me in on the stuff I don't?"

"No-" Aria's face dropped, "only because that's all I know too Ms. Degner."

She was shocked, thinking that there was more to the story. "Are you sure, sir?"

"Indeed," Stark paused thinking about his next move, "I'll you to whatever you're doing, as I have a meeting to get to." With a wave of his hand, he walked out leaving Aria speechless.


Y/N had opened the lab door to find Peter tangled in a bunch of wires, Queen blaring over the speakers, which was honestly just another one of those things that made Y/N wonder if Tony was just joking when he said Peter wasn't his other kid.

Either way, Y/N couldn't help but giggle as Peter tried to sort out the mess he was in, tongue sticking out and hands tugging at one knot.

"Hey, mind if I ask what happened?"

"Y/N!-" Peter said in a startled yelp whipping around only to almost fall over as the wires around his legs pinched them together.

His super-spider balance the only thing keeping him from toppling.

Y/N smiled as Peter's face darkened into a blush (She didn't know if it was caused by embarrassment or the fact that she walked into the room) and Y/N walked over, grabbing the wires closest to the ground, lifting up and collecting the wires in a bunch as he went. She plunked the wires down on the desk next to Peter's pet-robot.

"Gah- thanks!," Peter tried to turn back to the robot but Y/N gripped his upper arm.

"Ah ah ah! Nope, Fri says it's feeding time-,"

"What! I haven't been here for that long!"

"If you don't remember Peter, Yesterday I allowed you to skip your lunch alert if you took two extra today, this is one of those extra meal times."

"Friday!" Peter groaned and Y/N frowned, Peter was in the tower for lunch yesterday? On a school day? She kissed him goodbye before she went to her meeting. Peter was looking at the robot again and Y/N decided she'd work on one thing at a time, filing that away for later she placed her hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Hey Pete, what's up?"

"Oh, noth-,"

"If you say 'nothing' then I'm going to give you a Tony Style lecture on sharing emotions with the class and-,"

"Alright alright!" Peter said, throwing his hands up in a surrender motion, his eyebrows raising to his hairline before a hand went to rub at the back of his neck. "I just wanted to finish the robot before Da-Dr. Stark got here and I haven't been able to work on it- like- at all this week,"

Peter trailed off, and Y/N's eyes scanned over the egg-shaped robot on the desk. Peter ran his hand through his hair, eyes running over the ball of wires in front of him, and Y/N's lips thinned, her eyebrows scrunching a little at her boyfriend.

Because this was really unlike Peter. Not the whole 'getting into random tight spots,' thing, that seemed to happen to a lot, much to Y/N and Tony and- okay well, everyone's dismay.

But, Peter usually was really calm and collected when things went wrong experiment wise. When it came to science and the company the kid was just the ultimate professional.

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