.Daddy Clint.

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Word Count: 1730

There was a knock on Steve's door at 3:04am.

The rogues were already tired of the compound. Yesterday, after the meeting, they had all sat down together and had ordered an entirely new wardrobe for each of them online since they were already tired of wearing the generic clothes SI had provided them with until they got everything they needed.

It was nice to just be with each other, in a way, but they were all starting to feel a bit cramped from staying in the same few rooms they rotated through. Bedrooms at night, kitchen at 7am, dining table at 8am, lounge around until noon, fight over the TV remote, lunch, lounge, dinner, bedrooms.

That is, until 3:04am came around.

Steve opened the door quietly, not wanting to wake up his fellow teammates across the hall if he didn't have to, and was greeted with the sight of Clint. The archer was fully decked out in his stealth suit with a hand gun strapped to the outside of his right thigh, but other than that he carried no other visible weapons, not even his bow. He had a dark look on his face and suddenly Steve realized that the man had a similar look on all day yesterday. The expression didn't give away an emotion but the man did look serious.

Clint brushed past him as he walked into the bedroom.

"We're leaving for the West wing in five minutes. Just you and me." He said as a finality, eyes flicking around the room.

Steve made a confused sound before saying, "Clint, no, we can't. Remember, we're not only too low of a security clearance but Vision specifically asked us not to go there. I don't... I don't want to make him uncomfortable."

Clint scoffed, his smile razor sharp. "He's a freaking robot, Cap, you aren't going to hurt his feelings or something. I doubt it was even him who requested that. L/N was probably just covering up for Stark." He bit out.

Steve took a deep breath, than asked, "Why do you want to go?"

"My family, you know that, Rogers. What if they were never really in trouble? What if-if Stark had them kidnapped or something." The man whisper-yelled. "What if they don't actually want to be there and the only reason no one wants us in the West wing is because we'll find out something they don't want us to know?"

"I... But your son... Didn't Cooper...?"

"It could've been fake! Really, Cap?!" The man's temper steadily rising.

Steve sighed, not quite knowing how to handle this. "But... Clint, if it was staged... If they didn't want us snooping around to see your family then why would they announce that they were even here by sending a text from Cooper?"

"I don't- I don't know! Okay?!" Clint exclaimed, brows drawn together like he was trying to figure something out but just didn't understand. Steve honestly felt bad for the guy. "I just don't know... But- if we- if I could talk to them for just a second I-I could find out why. Right? I just want to find out why, Steve."

The Captain stared at the archer, inspecting him, pitying him. And finally, "Yeah okay. Give me five minutes, meet me outside your bedroom's window, yeah?"



They were able to sneak into the West wing fairly easy, especially when they considered how intense Stark's usual security was. Since Clint used to enjoy lounging about in the vents he knew the path into their old common area fairly well. Steve was only able to fit because when the Avenger had first moved into the compound Tony had the ventilation shafts enlarged and reinforced since he knew that Hawkeye liked to travel through them.

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