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Word Count: 973

This missions seemed to have took a turn for the worst. There were far too many Hydra agents surrounding you. Of course, you were doing your absolute best to fight them off. It still surprised you finding more and more of these secret bases. You would think that Hydra would be gone by now. Stark wanted to put an end to them, but it seemed like it is never ending. Not that you ever told him that, wanting to keep a positive outlook on things.

Out of nowhere, this Hydra agent sneaked up behind you. Grabbed you and threw you over the railing. The impact of you smashing against the ground beneath you definitely broke a bone or two, especially falling from that distance. You bumped your head slightly too, but knew you had to get back up and fight. Your team needed you just as much.

Picking yourself up, you tried to walk, only to fall back down on the ground again. Your leg was too weak and broken to get you anywhere. Trying to summon some water to help yourself didn't work at all. Everything felt hazy all of a sudden and you could feel your eyes shutting over. The fall must have given you a concussion as well.

Peter witnessed you fall back down from a nearby distance and panic arisen in him. He was still too far away and surrounded by enemies to get to you. But he is deeply concerned.

"Guys, Sam is down. She needs immediate medical attention. Someone get her out of here!" Peter pleaded through the coms, hoping someone heard his cry for help. Wanting you out of here, and fast.

"I'm on it!" Tony's voice sounded in the coms, as he flew over to your motionless body. He was slightly worried, but knew you would push through. Good job he can get you out of here in no time. Picking you up carefully in his arms, he rushes you out of the Hydra facility. The rest of the team had this under control.

-A few hours later-

Peter waited patiently by your side, holding your hand in his. You have been out for quite some time now, but that didn't worry him too much. He knows you're a fighter and will pull through. His only regret being that he couldn't be the one to get you out of there. Feeling like it is his responsibility to protect you.

Slowly, your eyes begin to flicker open and all you could see is the white ceiling above you. Wondering how you got here, the last thing you remember is collapsing during the mission. Hoping everyone else is okay. You looked to your right realizing someone is holding your hand. No surprise, it is Peter, who has never looked relieved.

"Did we get 'em?" you asked with a smile. He couldn't believe that was the first thing you would ask.

"Yeah, we got 'em good." he responded with a smile, scratching the back of his neck nervously and letting out a slight laugh. So glad that you were alright, even though he knew you would be.

"So, what's wrong with me?" you then asked noticing the cast on your left leg, was pretty hard to ignore.

"You shattered your leg. It's going to take quite some time before you can get back out there I'm afraid." Parker explained and you threw your head back on the pillow in frustration. Great, now you're completely hopeless!

"How long are we talking here?" you raised your eyebrow at him and he looked down. Not sure if he wanted to tell you or not.

"Six to eight weeks." he quickly said, hoping you wouldn't freak out. You realized there was no use in that. What is done, is done. Nothing much you can do about it. At least there is no permanent damage, that's the main thing. You'd be back to normal in no time.

"I guess it could be worse. Maybe that means I don't have to hang out with the rogues anymore. Please tell me you at least got the Hydra agent that done this to me?" you were half joking with him. If you could get a hold of the person who did this, you would break their leg as payback. It's a painful thing.

"Oh don't you worry, I slung (is that a word??) them off the building." Peter smiled, feeling rather proud of himself. Sitting up straighter, chest puffed out. This made you laugh and cheered you up so much. Glad that he is here for you.

"How can I thank you for that?" you gave him an inviting look, with a smirk on your face, hoping the rest of your team (Tony especially) wasn't around. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, understanding where this is going. And to be perfectly honest, he didn't mind flirting with you at all. In fact he loves you. So he is going to use this to his advantage.

"I can think of a few things." he smirked, titling his head to the side, moving towards your face.

Peter placed his lips against yours and you welcomed the kiss instantly. You tugged at the hair at the back of his neck gently. This sure was a good way to thank him. Maybe he should throw people off buildings for you more often. Which of course, would be no problem at all for him. He hasn't missed yet. 

A/N: OMG SORRY!! i've had such a crazy month with my family and going to florida (its sm fun, im in marco island) anyways i completely forgot, so this is kind of a filler chapter while im writing a better one. tysm for the support, we are at 4.2k views rn!! i have such bad writers block but anyways..... love you all sm <3<3<3 xoxo sam

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