.A Name .

810 15 5

Word Count: 898

2 months earlier:

"Kid! It's time to go. Y/N heard Tony call downstairs as she was getting ready for her first day of public high school, and she was nervous as hell. She was worried that something would set off her instincts today. She has been fighting those instincts since Tony came into her life.

"I'm coming!" She yelled before making her way downstairs with her backpack then saw the time. "Shit! You didn't tell me what time it was old man!" Y/N yelled as she ran towards the door where her bus should be in about five minutes.

"You need to eat breakfast!" Tony calls out, but she ran towards the open elevator and took it all the way to the main floor. Luckily the bus just pulled up, and she climbed in just in time.

"You are one lucky kid." The bus driver states looking at the tower behind her. "Is Tony your uncle or something?"

"I am just an intern right now." Y/N spit out her fake cover, before taking a seat closest to her. Luckily that was alone.

"Is she related to Tony?" She heard a girl murmur, but she slipped into her headphones as more mumbling is heard. "Great I am going to be talked about now." She thought to herself as she looked out at the road.

Walking into the school, she got to her locker and unlocked it with ease. Just as someone closes it for you. 

1st Person:

You turn around to be welcomed by a jock. You take out your headphones reminding yourself that you have to be a weak geek (huh that rhymed) and look at him in terror as you tell yourself to pick up acting lessons. "I was talking to you freak." You take a gulp before he goes on. "Are you related to Tony Stark?" You feel your fight mode kick in, but you push it down.

"Not really. He is just a guardian for now." You mumble out, and the jock hits the locker next to you, making yourself jump, to look frightened. You are looking at your feet trying to stop your fight mode from kicking in, but this jock kept hitting the locker.

"What was that? I can't hear you." He hits the locker three times this time. You look up at him, and grab his wrist, twisting it till it is between his shoulder blades.

"Why don't you try being a little more patient? What is your name?" You ask as you have him shoved against the locker.

"My name is Jacob." You almost laugh at the douche name. You lean in close to where you are near his ear.

"I said it is none of your business." You state when you are pulled away from Jacob by a teacher.

"Principle's office now, both of you!" the teacher yells, and you sigh picking up your bag and trudging to the office where they make you call Tony. Jacob got dismissed with his mom from the principle a few minutes ago, and now you are to wait for Tony to show up in the office as the principle stares you down. You are playing with your nails, newly painted black, as the doors burst open.

"What happened?" Tony asks the principle before looking you over. "What did you do?" He asks after assessing you are okay.

"Well Mr. Stark, your daughter here decided to almost break another students arm. Though she was provoked, it is still worrisome on our part." The principle states. He goes on and on about policy to Tony, and finally Tony interrupts.

"Can I speak to her alone?" Tony asks and the principle looks at me then Tony.

"Okay sir. I will be outside." the principle states before leaving you two alone.

"What happened, Y/N?" Tony asks looking at you. You explain the story one last time, and look him in the eyes.

"I tried to push it down, but I couldn't." Tears evident in your eyes, and Tony leans forward. "I am sorry dad." You realize the words that come out of your mouth, and feel a blush come onto your face. "I didn't mean to call you that. I am going to go." You get up to leave, but he grabs your hand.

"You can call me dad. That is what I am." Tony smiles at you, and you smile back at him. "Right, well clearly you were the one that was the victim. I am going to make sure you get left off with a warning. We will work on your fight urges." Tony states, and you nod your head. "Now go learn." Tony states, and you get up to leave. The principle stops you as you open the door.

"Wait just a moment-" but Tony interrupts the principle.

"Let's not interrupt her learning. We can discuss her punishment with me, and me alone." Tony stands up to you. The principle looks at you with a glare before looking at Tony with a smile.

"Of course Mr. Stark." the principle states before stepping aside letting me go back to class.

Later that day you found out that Tony decided to remove you from that school, hell, and move you to a school that held a super cute genius kid.

A/N: OMG guys! im 15🎉🥳 i just want to say i am so grateful for all of you! so many views and votes, it makes me blush🥰 just a short little filler chapter, remember all jacobs are dicks✌ xoxo, sam

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