Chapter 37

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"Layla, stop waving your hand in front of my face." I sigh, setting my cup of coffee down.

She gasps. "You can see!"

I sigh again, rubbing my temples. "No, I can hear you doing it and feel the air. And anyways, only my sight is gone. Not like my... Sight."

If I had to choose between the two, I would choose my Sight every time. Even without being able to see, at least I could still See.

Yeah, it's complicated.

Needless to say, Killian freaked out when he realized I went completely blind. My freak-out was on a much smaller scale, because in hindsight, my vision has been declining for a while now.

It shouldn't surprise me that my Sight would appreciate the irony in taking my literal sight.

At least he believed me when I told him it was just a temporary thing, and even told him that it happens sometimes to make the lie more believable.

The truth is, my sight was never coming back. But it also wasn't really anything to get upset about when I would be dying soon anyways. No need to see as a corpse.

I refill my cup, groaning slightly in annoyance. "Kage, can you stop looking at me like that?"

"Sorry," he mutters. "How... How much can you See with your Gift, even with your actual sight gone?"

I shrug. "I still have my Knowing. It helps a lot. I just can't, y'know..."

"Is nobody else freaked out right now?" Maryn asks. "I mean... Kat just went blind, and we're having breakfast like nothing is wrong!"

"First of all, I'm blind, not deaf, so you don't have to talk about me like I'm not here," I drawl. "Second of all, I'm going to be blind whether we eat breakfast or not, so I'm not sure I understand the correlation."

"It... It is temporary, right?" Knox asks, sounding unsure.

I shrug. "Sure. Few more weeks max."

I almost laugh at that, though it's certainly not funny.

"Is that a guess, or something you've Seen?" Killian asks harshly from beside me. He wouldn't even let me walk down the stairs by myself.

"I've Seen it," I confirm. Technically not a lie, though I guess it doesn't really matter if it was, because all I do is lie to him.

"Fucking hell," Jae swears, dropping her utensils loudly on the table.

I sigh for the millionth time. "Guys, chill out. It'll be fine. I'm still going with you to sweep the territory."

"Absolutely not," Killian snarls.

"Yes, I am," I say stubbornly. "I still have my Sight. I can help."

"No, you're a liability," Killian says angrily. "I can't be constantly worried about making sure you're okay."

"I'm not a liability!" I say, offended. "I can tell you that Jae has two knives sheathed on her hips and another one in her boot, Knox is glaring at Layla for still waving her hand in front of my face, and Gabe is going to try to say something about how studies show that blind people have heightened senses to make up for the lack of vision. How the fuck am I liability?"

"Because you can't See everything that's going on," Killian growls. "It would be incredibly easy for someone to take you."

Don't do something that dangerous again. I can't lose you.

"Fine," I say. "Let's put it to a circulus vote."

"No," Killian says instantly.

"Why? Scared that you're wrong?" I taunt. I know they'll side with me over something this important.

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