Chapter 30

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We land in an unfamiliar room.

I frown. "Where are we?"

"My room." As soon as he says that, my eyes begin to adjust, and I realize we are indeed in his room, the only time I've been in here having been when I was arguing with him about Mila.


Killian's face is blank, but his eyes are darker than usual. "It's where we're sleeping tonight."

"Killian-" I begin to protest.

"Not in the mood for arguing with you right now, Katrina."

His face is like stone: cold and unyielding. He looks... scary.

Maybe it's because of his frosty tone, dark eyes, or because I just watched him almost kill a vampire like it was the easiest task in the world, but he was genuinely terrifying right now. Enough so that I don't argue.

I gulp. "I have to shower, I'll be right back."

"No. Use mine."

I was expecting him to say that with a smirk, or maybe have amusement flickering in his eyes, but everything about him is cold. "I need to change into fresh clothes."

"I'll get you some. You're not leaving."

Wordlessly, I nod. I'm too terrified to say anything else.

He disappears, and I don't see him reappear in front of me. Instead, he walks out of his closet, and hands me a stack of clothes.

"Bathroom is behind you," he says shortly, his face unchanging.

I'm shaking slightly when I close the door behind me. After seeing him with Dorian today, he's not just Killian.

He's Killian, Alpha of Crimson Shadow, the Ultimum Viatorem.

I don't know what to think of that.

I take my time showering, not wanting to face him when he's like that. I half-expect him to pop up in the shower to freak me out, but he doesn't.

Sighing, I finally turn off the water and dry off. When I look at the stack of clothes, the first thing I wonder about is what undergarments he selected from my room, anticipating him to choose the raunchiest thing I own.

But he didn't.

The clothes he brought were normal. A pair of shorts, non-risqué undergarments, and a black t-shirt.

I frown at the shirt, realizing that it isn't mine. I sniff it, and sure enough it's Killian's. He must not have seen my drawer full of my own.

I put on the clothes and go back into the bedroom, where Killian is laying on the bed. His bed.

His eyes are closed, and he doesn't open them when I crawl into bed next to him, nor attempt to touch me.

We lay in silence for a few minutes.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask suddenly.


I frown. "Why?"

"Many reasons, Katrina."

"Starting with?"


"Can you be more specific?" My heart races.

"Which reason would you like first?" No signs of joking, just a steely tone and expressionless face.

I gulp. "Whatever you're most angry about."

"When I realized you were missing, I tracked your scent to the edge of my borders."

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