Chapter 9

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"Leonardo," I say, my tone clipped.

"Your, um," He gestures to underneath my eye. "It's bleeding."

"Yeah, it does that sometimes," I say, not making any attempt to wipe the blood off.

"I can take you to a healer," He offers quickly.

"I'm fine."

He still looks concerned, and hesitates. "I didn't see you, after, you know..."

I quirk an eyebrow. "After I rejected you as my mate? In case if you didn't know, Leo, I'm a Seer. If I wanted to see you, I would have."

A look of surprise flashes across his face, before it's replaced with remorse. "I'm sorry, you know," He says quietly. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt."

I laugh coldly. "And yet, somehow, I'm the only one who did."

Leo cringes, and it hurts how much the person who hurt me feels like the only person who can make it better. Even after the mating bond has been destroyed, I still feel drawn to him.

"I'm so sorry, Katrina," He says, his eyes pleading, probably hoping that I'll forgive him to absolve him of his guilt. "Gwen is, too. She misses you like crazy, it's all she talks about."

Against my will, my heart twists at that. Gwen and I had been close growing up, she was the only person in my life who wasn't scared by my abilities.

"Come to Blue Moon for awhile," He pleads, taking my hand, and I want to recoil, but don't. "You can spend time with Gwen. With your nephew. I know that we aren't mates anymore, but I'd still love to get to know you, have you as part of our family. You are part of our family. Gwen needs you in her life, wants you to get to know your nephew."

I blink, stunned, and I suddenly forget how to breathe. I can't think of anything worse than seeing Leo and Gwen together, with their perfect little son in their perfect little Pack House with their perfect little lives.

I feel sick.

"Katrina, there you are," Knox, my savior, says. He pulls me away from Leo and drapes his arm protectively around my shoulders.

Leo looks at Knox in confusion. "Beta Knox, we were having a discussion."

"And now you aren't," Knox says coolly, and I could kiss him for getting me out of this.

"Are you two..?" Leo's voice trails off, his eyes focused on Knox's arm.

"That's not really your concern, is it, Beta Leo?" Knox's lips curl into a cruel smile.

"It's Alpha now," Leo says lowly, his eyes darkening.

Knox just grins in response, offering no apologies.

Leo stares at him for a moment longer, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Fine," Leo says finally. "Seriously, Katrina. Think about my offer. You'll always have a place in Blue Moon."

Leo pauses for a few more seconds, and I lower my eyes. He sighs, and leaves Knox and I alone on the balcony.

"Thank you," I finally can breathe again once Leo is gone.

Knox takes his arm back and shrugs. "Don't worry about it. Looked like you needed backup."

"I owe you one," I tell him.

He shakes his head. "We're there for each other. That's what we do."

I kiss him on the cheek, and he freezes. "Well, thanks anyways," I tell him genuinely.

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