Chapter 49

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"Missing," I repeat slowly. "What do you mean he's missing?"

Killian takes the phone from my hand as Gwen sobs. "Stop crying," he snarls, and she does. "Start from the beginning."

Gwen takes a deep breath. "Yesterday, he was patrolling around the territory during rounds. When I didn't hear from him after a few hours, I asked the Gamma and all of the other wolves on patrol and none of them knew where he went. I thought maybe he just needed space or something but this morning he still didn't come back and nobody knows where he is! He wouldn't just leave without saying anything and I just know that something is wrong!"

"Your bond," he says, glancing at me hesitantly, like he didn't want to say the word. "Is it broken?"

A nicer way of asking: Is he dead?

"No, no the bond is still there," Gwen cries. "It's... It's like something is blocking our mindlink. Nobody can mindlink him, but we can still sense his link, unbroken."

Killian and I look at each other in shock.

Just like the missing wolves.

This wasn't over.

"Gwendolyn, we'll talk to you later," Killian says shortly.

"Wait!" Gwen says desperately. "Put Katrina on."

Killian hesitates, but hands me the phone when I hold out my hand expectantly.

"Gwen, I haven't Seen anything yet," I tell her lowly.

She pauses, unsure. "You... You would tell me if you did, right?"

Killian snarls at the insinuation, and I don't like it either. She thinks I would be too jealous to tell her if I knew where Leo was.

"I don't give a shit that you're with Leo, Gwendolyn," I tell her darkly. "I'm the one who rejected him. I have no desire to leave your pup fatherless. When I know something, I'll call." Annoyed, I hang up.

"It's the same circumstance as my missing wolves," Killian says pensively, his eyebrows pulled together. "We killed all of the hunters there. There could have been more in another location, I suppose..."

"No," I tell him, shaking my head. "The day you rescued them... I told you something was not right."

"I don't understand, Katrina," Killian says, taking my hands. "What have you Seen?"

"Nothing," I admit. "It's just a feeling... The hunters were not behind this. Or at least not working alone. I told you, it didn't make sense. Them draining blood, keeping the wolves and vampires alive. It never made sense to me, didn't seem right."

"If the hunters aren't behind this, who is?" he asks patiently, stroking my hand comfortingly with his thumb.

"Blood," I mutter, pushing into my Sight. "It always comes back to blood..."

"Katrina..?" Killian says questioningly.

I know who's doing this.

"Gather our circulus."


"It's a blood coven," I say, glancing at Killian. "That's why they stole wolves and vampires. They're draining the blood so they can drink it and have access to more magic."

"Witches," Gabe says in realization. "It makes total sense. Supernatural beings have a larger natural magic reservoir. It's better than human blood, they could perform stronger spells."

"I don't get it," Maryn says in confusion. "The people at the warehouse weren't witches. They were hunters. We would be able to smell if they were a witch, right? They were definitely human."

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