Chapter 41

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Almost 250 comments on a chapter I posted an hour ago? What the fuck is wrong with y'all? Don't you have lives??

Kidding, of course, unless my biggest fan Chris Bright is reading this, in which case I know you don't have a life. Also, fuck you.

Anyhoo, y'all are killing me with the comments so I just had to post again LMAO.


Two weeks without Katrina.

Two weeks of sleeping alone, or rather, not sleeping.

Her words tormented me at night, replaying on a constant loop, but at least they were better than remembering the nice things she said to me, few as they were.

I'm safest when I'm with you.

But apparently, she didn't value safety as much as she hated me.

I could never love you, Killian.

So decisive when she said it, said it as easily as she had rejected her actual mate. Both times, no hesitation, just cruel, concise words.

I knew she was damaged, sure. Knew she would be damaged for a long time after finding out about her mate and her sister. But I was supposed to help. She wasn't supposed to stay like that forever.

When we danced at the Mating Gathering, I promised her that I would make her happy again. I would have done anything—anything to keep that promise.

And I thought she was making progress. She didn't have any more nightmares, she was laughing more, smiling more, with me. I thought once I came back from saving the wolves, things were going to change between us, I thought she realized she fell in love with me. She clutched me so tightly that night, if she was not so weak, and I was not an Alpha, she would have left bruises on my skin.

But it was all a lie.

You never know people as well as you think.

I don't want you. I never will.

She had kissed me back! Kissed me back before those cold words slipped out of her lips so effortlessly.

If things were different, our first kiss would have been better. I was rough, I know that, felt guilty for that, guilty for not being able to control my wolf. But if I'm being honest, it was just as much me as it was my wolf. I had wanted to kiss her since the first time I saw her and she glowered at me before even saying a word.

I should have known, should have listened all of those times she told me she hated me. I thought it was her way of protecting herself, of making sure her heart wasn't crushed like it was after Leo.

But I wouldn't have hurt her, not ever. I would have treated her better than Leo ever could have. I would have mended her heart, and we would have been happy together. I would have been her silence.

She would have been an amazing Luna.

Told her I would have made her my Luna, and it hadn't swayed her in the slightest. No, she never cared about power. Apparently, didn't care about me either.

All of the times I caught her staring at me, laughing at something I said, all of the times she would sigh contently when I would stroke her hair, I was just deluding myself into believing a false reality.

It was convenient.

And she hadn't even known that I was in love with her, so in love with her it consumed me, distorted my thoughts, ruined me.

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