Chapter 42

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Two weeks earlier

That night, I can't sleep. Not only because Killian isn't there, but because I was sure that he's suffering as much as I am.

When I wake up, I call Ares, and confirm that our plans are still set.

Turns out I did end up needing that favor.

"Hello, Katrina," the Beta of Blood Lake greets me on the edge of Iron Claw territory. Of course, I Knew where there would be Iron Claw guards, and we met in a location without them.

Just in case if Killian ended up coming back here to find me, I couldn't have Alpha Cole telling him that I was at Blood Lake.

"Hey." I try to smile, but start coughing up blood.

Axel cringes. "Is... Is it as bad as Ares says?"

Of course, I had to tell Ares that I'm dying. Since I'll be dying in Blood Lake, on her land, it's only right she knows since she'll likely be the one to bury me. I wasn't worried about her telling Killian. She owes me too much. And I of all people know how well Ares Alstott keeps secrets.

She's even a more skilled liar than I am.

"Yeah," I say quietly, and Axel takes my bag from me. "Only a month left."

Axel looks heartbroken. "Katrina-"

"Please," I smile weakly. "Don't do this dying speech thing, I can't listen to any more of those."

Few as they were. One of the good parts of not telling people you're dying.

Axel helps me into the car, and begins to drive us to Blood Lake.

Not an ideal place to die, but I guess it was as good as anywhere else. Plus, I rather liked the symmetry of it. Everything always starts and ends at Blood Lake.

Axel tells me about his mate, Kallista, and their pup. Of course, I already Know everything he tells me, but I pretend to be surprised anyways for his benefit.

"Are... Are you sure there's nothing we can do?" Axel asks desperately as we pull up to the Pack House.

I smile at him, and squeeze his hand. "There's nothing to be done. Just letting me stay here is enough."

My final resting place.

Blood Lake.

For some reason, it seemed comical. Predictable, even.

All bad things happen at Blood Lake.

I get out of the car, stumbling as I do so, and I lean on Axel while we walk into the Pack House. My strength is completely destroyed. If I hadn't gotten out of Crimson Shadow when I did, there was no way I would have been able to hide my condition.

"Hello, Katrina," Cain greets me when Axel and I are inside.

"Hi, Cain," I say, smiling. "Cute pup." He knows I'm blind, I'm sure Ares told him, but he doesn't ask how I know that his pup is cute.

He's holding a baby swaddled in fur, my Sight tells me. One of the fur pelts that he stockpiled in their closet, unbeknownst to Ares.

"Do you want to hold him?" Cain offers.

I nod. "Just... Just let me sit down first," I say slightly breathlessly, already tired from what little walking I've done.

Axel helps me to a couch, and Cain offers the pup, but I hold my hand up to pause him, and pull out a handkerchief, and use it to stop the blood that's about to pour out of my eyes.

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