Chapter 20

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I release Kage's arm once we step through the portal.

We arrive on the doorstep of a house. No. A castle.

"Holy shoot," Layla whispers.

Maryn says, "Holy shit."

"That's what I said," Layla frowns.

"No, you said-"

"Shut up," Knox hisses. "We're about to be attacked and you morons can't just-"

The door swings open.

A man with pale skin and dark hair opens the door. Not a man. A vampire.

And he's gorgeous.

Layla and Maryn look at each other and giggle.

"Dorian?" Killian asks, flashing a dazzling smile and offering out his hand.

"You must be Alpha Killian," The man, Dorian, I guess, says, and returns an equally dazzling smile. No fangs.

"Ah, just call me Killian," Killian smiles, and they shake hands. "We're all friends here."

"Friends indeed," Dorian muses. "A ball is an excellent way to kick off a new friendship."

Dorian has an accent I can't quite place, but his voice sounds like dripping gold.

Killian gives him a bro-ish clap on the back. "Dorian, I couldn't agree with you more. We all love a good party."

"Perhaps you could introduce me to your lovely pack members?" Dorian asks, his accent thick. European, definitely.

"Ah, the pretty one giving you the death stare is my second, Knox," Killian grins at Knox, who's angry expression doesn't change.

"I'm Layla," Layla says cheerfully, offering her hand.

Dorian shakes it, smiling. "Pleasure to meet you, Layla."

"And I'm Maryn," Maryn interrupts, practically shoving Layla out of the way.

The rest of the circulus introduces themselves politely, although Jae has a slight chill in her voice when she greets him.

"And you are?" Dorian prompts, smiling at me kindly.

"Katrina," I answer shortly, avoiding his outstretched hand. Without any gloves, the chance of me having a vision is high, and I couldn't afford to pass out this soon in the night.

Dorian lets his hand drop immediately, but still smiles. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," He says smoothly.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. What a line.

"How about you show us where the drinks are?" Killian suggests, stepping in between Dorian and I.

"Ah, Killian, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship," Dorian laughs, and it's a rich, deep sound. The two of them go inside the castle and head for the bar.

The inside is even more beautiful than the outside. All of the furnishings are beautiful, and I didn't doubt that they were genuine antiques.

And there are vampires everywhere.

All pale, all beautiful. Unnaturally so.

Maryn and Jae immediately start flirting with two handsome ones, tall and dark-haired.

Gabe, Kage, and Knox scatter, and I'm not sure if they're going to snoop or socialize. Both equally important parts of our plan.

Akoni and I stand still, observing the people around us.

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