Chapter 16

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I grin slowly when I realize that Killian is underneath me, breathing deeply as he sleeps.

I pick my head up off his chest, and even though he's still sleeping, his arms wrap tighter around me, caging me in.

I press my lips on his chest, kissing softly, and goosebumps raise on his skin. He's still sleeping, but I continue placing soft kisses up his chest until I reach his neck.

His breathing catches in his throat abruptly, and I know he's awake.

"It's about time, Katrina," Killian murmurs, his voice a low rumble.

I smirk against his neck, and he groans softly when I kiss the most sensitive part. My wolf suddenly realizes that's where a Mark would be placed, and I quickly move my mouth away from that area and kiss his jawline.

"What's gotten into you today, darling?" Killian moans softly, lacing his hands in my hair. "Not that I'm objecting, of course."

"Just wanted to show you what happens when you wake up in my bed," I say sweetly.

He's going to have to learn his lesson the hard way.

Killian tilts my chin up with his hand, and closes his eyes as he leans in to kiss my lips.

I knee him in the groin.

Killian yells out a string of cuss words as I scramble off the bed and laugh in delight.

He groans, clutching his manhood. "How dare you?" He asks.

"I told you to stop teleporting in my bed!" I yell, half-angry, half-amused.

Killian frowns. "I don't remember hearing that."

I scream in frustration and launch myself on the bed to strangle him, but he disappears.

"I hate you," I tell him when he reappears behind me, grinning like I didn't just kick his junk in.

"I hate you more," Killian narrows his eyes.

"Well, I hate you most," I snarl. "Now get the hell out or I'll kick your balls clean off your body."

"Creative," Killian muses. "I'm beginning to worry that you have an obsession with my-"


Killian sighs. "Fine. Just wanted to remind you that you have circulus training with me today."

I frown when I remember. The last few days, we've been partnering off to train, taking a new partner every day and working with them alone.

"Can't I just train with Knox?" I whine.

Killian rolls his eyes. "Not a fair fight, and you know it. What, scared you're useless without your little Sight?"

"You're the one who just got your nuts kicked in," I grin at the memory.

"You cheated. Just wait for me to get my payback," Killian's eyes flash in mischief.

I glare at him. "No. That was me getting my payback. You're not allowed to retaliate."

Killian shrugs. "I can do what I want, darling. I'm the Alpha. And I really would like to return the lovely wake up call you gave me."

My cheeks redden. "You better not."

Killian tips his head back and laughs. "Your little prank will look merciful compared to what I have in mind. Now get dressed and meet me downstairs for breakfast. You look too thin."

With that threat, command, and insult, Killian disappears.

I grumble long after he's gone while I get dressed in my training clothes, already knowing that Killian is going to make training miserable for me.

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