Chapter 47

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For the first time in my life, there is no pain.

Although it's probably because I'm not alive.

A slow smile spreads across my face when I inhale the smell, still keeping my eyes closed.

It smells like him.

The afterlife is not bad at all.

I snuggle towards the warmth, but I am not as cold as I was in life.

Arms wrap tightly around me.

Grinning, I don't bother opening my eyes, because I don't care that this is some afterlife hallucination, because it feels real.

I extend a claw and shred a line down the shirt of the Fake Killian, who inhales sharply in surprise. Yes, definitely not Real Killian, because he is never surprised.

So similar to me in so many ways, yet different in so many.

I pull the halves of the shirt to the side, kissing along the plains of his muscular chest until I reach his Claiming Spot.

His chest still makes the same rumbling sound like it did in life, and it makes me chuckle softly against his neck.

"Something funny, darling?" Fake Killian asks bemusedly, winding his hands into my hair.

"You sound just like him," I say in disbelief, still laughing slightly, kissing that same spot, and I feel goosebumps raise on his skin.

"So lifelike," I mutter in wonder, my canines descending, resting on his throat. "It's good to know I didn't go to Hell."

Fake Killian stiffens. "You know you're alive, right?"

I pull my head back, laughing, and finally open my eyes. I can see, so I'm obviously dead.

"Hysterical, Fake Killian," I say, rolling my eyes.

His mouth twitches in amusement. "You think you're in Heaven because I'm here? Baby, you have no idea how much that inflates my ego."

I freeze, staring at his purple eyes, which only hold amusement and happiness. I move my eyes to his shirt, which has my blood staining it.

Blood from last night.

"No," I say in horror. Tears well up in my eyes. "No, I'm supposed to be dead."

The tears spill fast and Killian looks at me in a combination of confusion and panic.

"Katrina, what's wrong? You're alive, you're here," he insists, holding my face between his hands.

"N-No," I cry. "I can't be here. I'm supposed to be dead. The pain-"

The pain is gone.

"No," I whisper in disbelief. "No, this isn't possible. There was no other way-"

Killian's hands roughly grab the back of my head and neck and bring my face to his, and kisses me.

For a moment, I freeze, but my will crumbles and I give in to the storm that is Killian.

I kiss him back like my life depends on it.

Our mouths move against each other frantically, and I put my hands on the side of his face as he pulls me in top of him so I'm straddling his waist.

He breaks the kiss first, but his lips don't leave my skin as he slowly kisses along my jawline and down my neck.

"I told you there was another way," he murmurs, making me gasp when he presses his lips to my Claiming spot.

There's a crashing sound, and before I can blink, Killian flips me back on the bed.

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