Chapter 45

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Extra special thanks to @awesomeismymidname for the incredible new cover for this book. I love it so so so much and am so thankful to have such a talented reader <3

A hand lightly strokes my hair, and I smile as I wake up.

"You're back," I murmur, snuggling into Killian.

"I'm back," he says, his voice bleaker than normal. "How did you know I was gone? Did you wake up?"

"For a moment," I admit. "I... wasn't up long."

The gaps between me staying awake were getting smaller and smaller. In fact...

"I have bad news," Killian says lowly. "The last plan... It didn't pan out like I hoped."

A flash of clarity, of Sight.

"Onyx Knight?" I ask in surprise. "You shouldn't have bothered her."

"How did you-" he begins to say, before exhaling. "I'm sorry. I thought that she could help."

"Killian, I already told you-"

"I know," he whispers. 

"I have bad news too," I tell him. No more lies, no more time for lies.

"You couldn't possibly have any worse news."

I wince. "I'm not waking up after tonight."


"You- You have until tomorrow," Killian says desperately, in disbelief.

"No," I say quietly. "I die tomorrow. The Sight is getting worse. The sleep I was supposed to fall under tomorrow afternoon got bumped up."


"Killian-" I begin, but he interrupts.

"I'm about to pull you into the in between," he warns.

"Where are you-"

He wraps his arms around me and I feel us falling. When he lands, I'm cradled in his arms still.

I hear waves, smell salt.

I grin.

"Greece," I say in amusement.

"I told you I would take you here someday," he says, his voice hollow.

Killian sets me on the ground, and I pat the ground, feeling the sand. I had never been on a beach before.

"Would it be appropriate to make a bucket-list joke?" I ask, chuckling. 

"You seem awfully cheerful for someone who's dying tomorrow," Killian says mirthlessly.

I smile sadly. "It was always meant to be this way, Killian."

"Don't say that."

I take his hand in mine, so much warmer than my cold, uncirculated one.

"Don't be sad, Killian," I tell him, staring at the waves that I can See. "I can't stay here any longer."

And I can't. The pain is so bad I can barely breathe. Even now, blood trickles out of my eyes, but I don't bother wiping it away when more will replace it soon enough. A breeze hits my skin and I shiver.

"Be right back," Killian mutters, and returns in an instant, wrapping his arm and the Charmed pelt Cain gave me around me.

"For all of Cain's faults, he certainly is good at giving gifts," I smile, thinking back on the Charmed whip he gave Ares. So much power in Cain, and his kids would be even stronger. Incredible.

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