Chapter 19

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I stare at the dress on the bed.

After returning to my room once I dashed downstairs to eat quickly and avoid Killian, the dress was waiting.

No box and tissue paper this time. No note. Just the dress.

A red dress.

Killian, obviously.

Why he bothered giving it to me, I had no idea. I made it clear I want nothing to do with him. Hopefully he received the message loud and clear and still didn't think we would be going to the ball together.

It's a pretty dress, obviously. But that just made me hate it more.

Dress wasn't even the right word. It was a full-on gown.

Long, dark red, sleeveless with a sweetheart neckline, with small red gems decorating the entirety of the top bodice. Completely over the top.

Completely Killian.

"Ooh, switch dresses with me," Layla pleads, and I jump, not having heard her, Maryn, or Jae enter the room.

"No, me!" Maryn argues. "That dress makes mine look like a garbage bag."

Jae rolls her eyes. "Yeah right. Killian would murder anyone who wore that instead of Katrina."

I look at her in shock. How did she know that Killian gave it to me?

"Don't look at me like that," Jae rolls her eyes. "We both know something that extravagant could have only come from Killian's depraved mind."

Maryn touches the gems on the gown and says woefully, "You're so lucky Killian is obsessed with you."

I glare at her. "He is not."

Layla giggles.

"Well, he doesn't buy any of us dresses," Maryn pouts. "And yes he is, by the way."

"He is not," I say sharply.

"Mar, do an impression," Layla encourages gleefully.

Maryn laughs, and suddenly, I'm looking at Killian.

"Katrina, I love you," Fake-Killian says with pleading black eyes.

And then, I'm looking at myself.

"Killian, I hate you," Fake-me says with an eye roll.

"We should have hate sex," Fake-Killian says, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, please!" Fake-me begs, and makes smooching noises.

I punch fake-me in the stomach, and Maryn turns back into herself, laughing along with Jae and Layla.

"Hilarious, guys," I say sourly, rolling my eyes.

"Ooh, you imitated her eye roll so well, Mar!" Layla claps.

"Thank you, thank you," Maryn bows, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Don't you idiots have to start getting ready?" I prompt, definitely not wanting to have this conversation with them, and definitely not wanting to witness any more of Maryn's impersonations.

"Your idiot self also still has to get ready," Jae points out.

I'm about to roll my eyes again when I catch myself, but Mar sees and laughs again with Layla.

Luckily, they don't bring up Killian again when getting ready. Mar and Layla once again play crappy pop music and sing along badly, while Jae looks completely focused on getting ready. I didn't understand how she wasn't completely falling apart, knowing that her mate is imprisoned somewhere.

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