Chapter 40

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Hey everyone! Update on Chris Bright (aka Loser Thief): he blocked me (lol) and his page is still up!!! But the comments you guys are leaving seriously are helping out and also some of them crack me tf up so keep it up so we can get this untalented hack off my d*ck for good.

So here's an update anyways, cheers to the readers dropping a link to my profile and attacking his "peanut sized brain" XD

And now...



C H A P T E R 4 0

During breakfast the next morning, spirits are high.

The circulus sits around the table, laughing, joking, and of course, lightly arguing. Jae's mate, the Gamma of Crimson Shadow, Isaiah, even came to breakfast, though I Know that they argued about that. Jae wanted him to stay in the medical center for longer, but he insisted that he was fine.

And he is. All of the wolves are.

Which means my job here is done.

"I mean, Dorian killed half of the hunters himself," Knox complains. "I only got to kill two!"

"You got two?" Layla screeches. "I only got one!"

I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Killian whispers to me while the circulus compares kill streaks. "You should eat something."

I shake my head. "I'm not hungry." And I'm not. Eating something would certainly make me throw up. The Sight is getting stronger, killing me slowly in the process.

"Katrina, if you don't eat something I'm going to-" Killian begins irately, but Jae's mate interrupts, probably for my benefit.

"Katrina, I really have to thank you one more time for all you've done," Isaiah says for the fiftieth time.

I sigh. "Isaiah, that's really not necessary. Trust me, I can See how thankful you are."

"Oh, right," He says, taken aback slightly. He is also deeply confused by how strong my Sight is. All of them are. "Well, still, you should hear it. Actually, all of the wolves that were taken are planning a party for you next week. A thanks-for-saving-our-lives kind of thing."

"Actually, I'll be leaving later today," I say smoothly.

Everyone goes silent.

For about a minute, nobody says anything.

The calm before the storm.

Until Killian coolly says, "If you'll excuse us, I need to have a word with Katrina."

Before I know what's happening, Killian grabs my arm roughly and pulls me into the in between. When we land, it takes me a moment to realize that we're outside, on a balcony of some kind.

"Killian-" I begin slowly, already knowing that this was going to be our worst fight yet.

"You're leaving?" he asks lowly.

I swallow. "I came here to find the wolves. We did. It's time for me to go home."

It's time for me to die.

"Home?" Killian sneers the word, and I take a step back. "What home, Katrina? Iron Claw? Where the wolves don't even know your name, where your parents didn't even bother staying once your sister moved? A shitty one-room apartment with absolutely no space?"

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