Chapter 38

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"So you don't know where they are?" Killian asks slowly.

I frown, putting down the empty cup of water. "Did you hear what I just said? I do know where they are. I just have to let my Sight guide me."

Killian pinches the bridge of his nose. "Katrina, did you hear me when I told you that you were unconscious for a week?"

"Um, yes. You said it right to me."

I hear him breathe in deeply, like he's profoundly annoyed. "I am not letting you stumble around when you've been unconscious for a week. I can hear your heartbeat, Katrina. It's slow."

"Obviously. I've been sleeping for a week." I smile, but he's right. I've never been closer to death. I could almost taste the sweet release of it. One last rescue, and then my service on this earth is done.

"Killian, please," I plead, grabbing his hand when he doesn't respond. "I know that I can find them. They've suffered enough already. Every second we spend arguing over this is another second they're being tortured."

I hear Killian's teeth grinding together for a few moments as he considers my words. "As soon as we get them, you're not leaving my bed for another week while you rest."

Wrong. If I was out for a week, then I only have five more days until I return to Iron Claw. Even better, I was positive that if the wolves were found, Killian would let me go home earlier.

But since arguing with him wouldn't help my case at all, I ignore that comment, and get out of bed, but my legs feel like Jell-O, and Killian wraps his arms around my waist to stop me from falling face-first on the ground.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Killian hisses. "You can't see, you can't stand on your own, and you expect me to believe that you're in a good enough condition to find the wolves?"

"Go get Dorian," I urge him. "In case if this ends up in a fight, which I'm sure it will, he should be there. And bring a map. I can narrow down the area enough for you to teleport us in the vicinity."

"Katrina," he says hesitantly, his deep reluctance clear, even to me.

"Go," I beg. "Hurry."

I don't have time. Time is something I will never have enough of, will never get more of. So much has already been wasted.

Knox is about to come in. "Knox?" I say, turning to the door.

"Katrina, how did you know he was coming?" Killian says in surprise. "I just mindlinked him."

My Sight is strong. So strong right now, as I get closer to my death. So strong I can See so many futures, so many possibilities. I See so much. I See everything.

Except for Killian.

"Go!" I tell him urgently.

Killian hesitates once more, and releases his grip on me, probably to see if I can stand on my own, which I can. Despite how weak I am, despite how little life left I have in me, knowing that I have to finish this before I die gives me strength.

"I'll see you soon," Killian murmurs, and presses his lips to my forehead, and I'm alone in his room.

I go to the bathroom on my own, showering quickly and putting on heavy clothes. I'm fucking cold. So cold it bites my bones, slows my blood flow. Death is so, so near.

When I leave my room, Knox is outside my door, pacing anxiously. Can See his anxiety. My Sight is so strong I can almost hear his thoughts.

Holy shit.

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