Chapter 28

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When I hang up, I realize that my nose is bleeding.

I'm pissed. Pissed that Gwen won't mind her own business, pissed that Killian went out of his way just to upset me, pissed that my nose won't stop bleeding.

I press a towel to my nose for about an hour until it finally stops, and I feel dizzy when it's over. I'm so cold, I feel chilled to the bone, and even when I take a scorching hot bath, it's not enough to replace how cold I feel.

As I drain the tub, I get a splitting migraine and double over in pain. I clutch my head and groan lowly in pain. It lasts for about five minutes, and my eyes start bleeding.

No vision, but something bad is going to happen.

I Know it.

Something very bad is on the horizon. It will happen soon. Possibly today.

I have training with Knox soon, so I pull on a hoodie and leggings, but I desperately wanted to stay in bed.

I felt weak, sick, tired. And I realize with sudden clarity that my Sight is trying to push me into staying in bed for the day. It Knows that something is wrong.

It wasn't my time to die yet. I would have known if the date had been moved up, so whatever my Sight was trying to prevent from happening to me, wouldn't kill me.

So I leave the room anyways, trepidation seeping into my bloodstream.

I go downstairs to the kitchen, where Killian is sitting, reading a book and sipping coffee from a mug. Rage floods me when I see him.

"Did you threaten to declare war Blue Moon?" I snarl at him.

"Sure did, darling. Coffee?" His tone is casual, light even.

"Why would you do that?" I demand.

Killian shrugs. "You were trying to sleep. They didn't stop calling. It annoyed me."

I stare at him incredulously, not at all understanding him. "You threatened to go to war because someone woke me up?"

"Yes. I'd do it again too," he says shamelessly, grinning widely.

"Why?" Nothing about Killian makes sense, ever.

"You were tired. You needed to sleep. They were getting in the way of it. I solved the problem. What's the problem here?" he asks, seemingly genuinely confused by my confusion.

"War is the answer to someone waking me up?" I repeat, to show how illogical that is.

He shrugs. "There would have only been a war if they called again. They wisely chose not to."

"Please tell me that you're joking."

"About what?"

My eye twitches in annoyance. "You would not go to war over something so stupid."

"I don't joke about war."

I clench my teeth. "So when you threatened to go to war with Iron Claw when I refused to come here with you, you would have?"

"Yes. You're my spoil of war. When Cain and I agreed on me being rewarded with spoils after the war, I warned him that I would tear apart anyone who got in my way of taking you," he says casually, like we're talking about the weather.

"Are you an idiot?" I ask in disbelief. "You do know that there are other Seers, right? You do know that you didn't have to kidnap me, and that you probably could have paid off another one to help, right?"

"I threatened someone with war because they woke you up, and you think this is all because I just want a Seer? Are you an idiot, Katrina?" he asks lowly, and his eyes darken.

"Yes, Killian, I do," I spit out. "Because that's why you brought me here. To be your Seer."

"I would have brought you here whether you were a Seer or not," he snarls, suddenly angry.

I can't fucking believe this.

I hate him.

"Seriously, Killian?" I ask, equally mad and shocked. "Are you seriously that obsessed with making me miserable? What the hell did I do to you to make you hate me so much? Why the fuck do you have such a vendetta against me?"

Killian blinks twice.

He stares at me for a minute, not saying anything.

He shakes his head slowly. "For someone with the Sight," He says lowly, and a chill runs down my spine. "You're so fucking blind."

He disappears.


I punch Knox across the jaw.

He recovers quickly, being much stronger than I am, but I sweep my foot underneath him so he falls to the ground.

Knox groans as he hits the floor hard. "Fucking hell, Katrina. You're in a bad mood today."

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I say sourly.

Woke up on Killian.

I hate him so much.

Who the fuck is that obsessed with making someone else miserable? I know I wasn't exactly nice to him in Blood Lake, but was he seriously so offended by it, he felt the need to torture me for the last two months?

For someone with the Sight, you're so fucking blind.

What the hell does that even mean?

Of course he disappears after saying something like that. So typical. So Killian.

I cough up blood into my elbow. I shouldn't have trained so hard, not when I'm as weak as I am, but I was too angry to keep it pent up.

Maybe I should have been punching Killian instead of Knox.

"Just make up with him already," Knox sighs, getting off of the ground.

"What?" I hadn't said anything out loud, I'm pretty sure.

"You both always fight, get angry, and then use me as the punching bag," Knox rolls his eyes. "I don't mind, it makes for a good training session, but you always make circulus meetings tense after one of your fights and it upsets Layla."

"I am not fighting with Killian," I lie, not wanting him to conspire to create another Parent-Trap with the circulus.

Knox sighs. "Then why is Killian mindlinking me demanding that we spar today?"

"Don't know, don't care," I mutter, and leave the training center, still seething with rage.

I head towards the edge of the territory to search for traps. Usually, I go with Kage or Maryn to dismantle ones I See, but I didn't feel like being around anyone right now.

As I approach the edge of the territory, my sense of dread from earlier gets stronger and stronger.

Whatever my Sight was trying to protect me from, it was this.

Call it morbid curiosity, call it recklessness, but I continue going into the woods.

What? It's not like me getting killed now would be much of a loss anyways.

And if me going would piss off my Sight, then I wanted to do it even more.

I push through the woods, following the sense of dread.

And then I feel a needle injected into my neck.

At least when I go unconscious, there are no dreams.

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