Chapter 29

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As soon as I wake up, I know exactly where I am.

Dorian's castle.

Not only because that's where my Sight tells me I am, but because the dark-haired vampire is staring at me from a few feet away.

I'm sitting upright in a chair, and I roll my stiff neck. "The drugs seemed like a bit much," I tell him.

He looks at me in surprise. "You don't seem very scared for someone who just got kidnapped."

I laugh. "Happens to me all of the time. Not very creative."

I could See that he had no intentions of hurting me, that he only wanted to talk.

Realization flashes across his face. "Right, I forgot about that," He mutters in his thick accent.

"Forgot about what?" I ask in confusion.

He looks amused. "Your Sight, Katrina."

My eyes pop out of my head. "How did you-"

"I can hear your thoughts," He says smoothly. "The leader of a coven has that ability."

I try to recall if I read that in the books from the Archives, but didn't remember that being in any of them.

"No literature would include that fact," He answers my unspoken thought. "It's not something vampires are keen on sharing, especially with our mortal enemies."

"So why tell me?" Bad move to show all of your cards like that.

"As a sign of good faith," He answers, and sits in a chair across from me.

"Ah, that completely negates the drugging," I roll my eyes, and maybe consider that I shouldn't be trying to aggravate someone who could easily kill me.

Dorian rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to kill you, Katrina. If I wanted to, I could have easily done that in the woods. You know that I just want to talk."

"Yes, you've been talking a lot, and have said nothing of relevance," I snap at him. "So tell me what I'm doing here."

"I think we can help each other, Katrina," He answers. "We both have the same problem."

"I have a lot of problems, can you specify which particular one you're referencing?" I ask slightly sarcastically. Killian is a terrible influence on me.

"You're missing wolves," He states, and I suppose I shouldn't be surprised he knows that. He would have been able to find that out reading any one of our minds at the ball. "I'm missing vampires."

Now there's a surprise.

"Start from the beginning," I command.

"A few months ago, a vampire went missing from our coven," He begins. "At first, I thought it was an isolated incident, maybe just went off on his own, or got killed by another vampire during an altercation. But then it kept happening. Every week, more of my vampires would go missing under mysterious circumstances."

Just like the Crimson Shadow wolves.

He nods. "Yes, like the Crimson Shadow wolves."

"Is that why you requested to hold the ball instead? You thought we were taking them?" I ask.

"I thought it was certain," He pauses. "When I got an invitation from Killian to come to his territory to form an alliance, I assumed it was a ruse meant to trap more of us, so I demanded that we hold it. I was ready to kill him as soon as he knocked on the door."

Rage boils deep inside me at that comment, but he continues.

"But then I read his thoughts, the thoughts of his circle, and I quickly realized that not only were you all not responsible, you were also being targeted," He finishes.

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