Chapter 23

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Killian and I kept to our word.

He stopped appearing in my bed, and didn't talk to me unless we were in a circulus meeting.

We stopped our bantering, no more arguments, no more biting.

Two weeks of absolutely nothing.

And it was better this way, really. My time was quickly running out. Every day I got weaker and weaker, my nose or eyes bleeding every hour, and coughing up blood left and right.

At the circulus' concern, I assured them that it's just because my Sight is getting better. And that part is true.

My Sight is getting stronger.

And that's why I have to die.

Everything in life has to have balance. Nature would never allow someone with this much Sight to continue to live. Every day I saw more and more, even of people I've never met before.

Most of it was irrelevant, just visions of people I've never met, places I've never been. It was beginning to get overwhelming, I couldn't touch anything without my gloves without being bombarded with visions and blood.

And with Killian keeping his distance, there wasn't a moment of peace and quiet.

It has to be this way.

Seers know early on their fate. It can change, of course, as people's decisions change on a whim. But our death is something we grow up Knowing.

We learn quickly to accept it. To learn how to be okay knowing you either won't live well into adulthood or won't be in your right mind enough to appreciate it.

Death is merciful for Seers when it comes.

I can See that now.

My bones are turning brittle, and even my actual sight with my physical eyes is getting worse. When reading through the books from the Archives, I practically have to hold it right up to my face in order to see the words.

So I started keeping my distance from the circulus too.

They were getting suspicious, constantly asking me if I'm okay, and it was driving me crazy.

Another reason why I just want to die alone.

But the wolves were still missing.

None of my visions were helping on that front. Every day made me more frustrated at how useless I am.

My Sight is supposed to be my only strength, the only useful part about me, and not only was it killing me, it wasn't even helping.

Jae falls apart more every day. Snapping at everyone during circulus meetings, constantly leaving abruptly, and I Know that she goes back to the house she shared with her mate and cries herself to sleep, clutching clothing that belongs to him.

Two more wolves went missing in the meantime.

And I couldn't See it before it happened.

Completely useless.

At least if I died before finding the wolves, it wouldn't matter, since I wasn't helping much anyways.

Weak, I've always been weak. Worthless, not even deserving of my Sight. Not deserving of anything.

"Katrina?" Knox snaps his fingers in front of me, pulling me out of my self-loathing.

"Sorry," I shake my head. "Are you ready?"

Knox gives a cocky grin. "I should be asking if you're ready for the beat down I'm about to give you."

I force out a laugh. He's not wrong. He is about to beat me in this fight.

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