Chapter 14

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I quickly change the topic away from dead Seers, knowing that nothing good could come from talking about that. I can lie easily, but for some reason, lying to Killian felt harder.

It was even harder because I know he believes me when I tell him I'll be fine.

"We should start looking through the books," I suggest, and try standing up, but instantly feel woozy and stumble.

Killian quickly puts his hands on my waist and sits me back down. "Easy there, tiger," He chuckles. "I'll bring you one. And eat something, would you?"

"Bossy, annoying Alpha," I mutter, and Killian laughs from across the room, and I know he heard me even that far away.

Stupid Alpha.

Killian tosses me a book titled: Vampires. "Creative title," I note, and Killian snorts.

"Do you only say sarcastic comments or do you ever say anything helpful?" He quipped, and I laugh.

"When have you ever said anything that wasn't sarcastic or meant to annoy me?" I point out.

Killian grins. "It's not my fault you get annoyed easily. I'm charming as hell, we both know that. All of the girls know that."

"Sure," I roll my eyes, and begin reading the book. Killian has one of his own, quickly flicking through the pages. "Is it true?" I ask suddenly.

"What?" Killian asks distractedly.

"Do you... y'know..." I say uncomfortably, and I regret bringing it up. "Have a lot of... umm?"

Killian looks up from the book. "Katrina, I legitimately have no idea what you're trying to ask."

"Nevermind," I mutter, my cheeks burning.

"Is something wrong, Katrina?" Killian asks, his voice marred with worry. "You can ask. I wouldn't keep anything from you."

His words make my guilt amplify. I was indeed keeping much from him, and would die with that guilt.

"Do you have a lot of..." I ask hesitantly, and I'm not sure why I care. "Girlfriends?"

Killian's nose wrinkles in disgust. "No, Katrina. I have never had a girlfriend."

His answer perplexes me. "But... Everyone says..." I say slowly, not sure how to say this without offending him. Truth is, Killian has a reputation for being somewhat of a player.

Killian tips his head back and laughs. "Oh, you're not asking about girlfriends then, my dear. Yes, I have had sex with a few she-wolves. No, we have not dated."

Ah, I should have known he would have cared about the semantics of the question. "Why not?" I ask, again, not really sure why I care.

"Does it matter to you?" He asks, his voice indifferent, but his breathing changes slightly.

"Guess not."

"You should ask later then," Killian says thoughtfully. "When you decide you care."

"Don't hold your breath," I say, but his words just make my curiosity burn brighter.

"I'll wait, Katrina," He says, his voice lowering. "I don't care how long."

Something, and not my Sight, tells me that he's not just waiting for me to ask about the girlfriends.

We continue skimming through the books, but no words really stick out to me. I'm on the history of vampires, and it's a boring story, more Gods just getting bored with their already existing creations.

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