Anyone- P.P.

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Warnings: A touch of angst, but mostly fluff! Oh and swearing ofc (this is me we're talking about) and mentions of kidnapping and minimal violence.

Based on the song by Justin Bieber

Peter quietly swung through the open window of his apartment bedroom. He was constantly telling her that it wasn't safe to keep the window open, especially at this time at night, but she always told him that he was being too paranoid. But how could he be too paranoid when it comes to her? She was a diamond in a sea of rocks, and anyone with eyes could see it. It was built in his nature to worry about other people. But when it came to her, he would always worry a little too much.

Quickly changing out of his suit, he laid down next to his sleeping girl, softly pressing a kiss to her forehead, before wrapping his arms around her gently kissing her forehead, as sleep slowly took over.


Dance with me under the diamonds
See me like breath in the cold
Sleep with me here in the silence
Come kiss me, silver and gold

Y/N was shivering. She was standing on the roof of her apartment building on a New York fall night without a jacket. It was really her fault she supposed, but Peter had insisted that she meet him up here, and practically pushed her out of the door. She didn't know why they couldn't just spend time in the warmth of their own apartment, but she knew better than to argue with him, especially when he was this excited. She heard the roof door close behind her, and she turned around to see Peter walking over to her carrying a speaker and an extra one of his sweaters. Tilting her head in confusion, she watched as Peter mindlessly handed her the sweater, and turned around to set up the speaker.

After Y/N had pulled the sweater over her head, she looked up to see Peter extending a hand towards her. Just as she took it, a soft song started to play and Peter pulled her into his arms. Smiling, Y/N let herself be pulled towards him before she wrapped her arms around his neck, his wrapping tightly around her waist. He started to slightly sway them on beat to the soft song, Y/N giggling when he spun her before she was pulled right back into his arms, like a magnet, never able to be away from her counterpart for too long.

As Peter twirled her all around the rooftop, Y/N couldn't help but sigh in content and look up at her sweet boy. "Looks like those dance lessons May gave you back in high school really paid off huh?" Y/N teased lightly, Peter rolling his eyes in amusement at her comment. Stepping closer to Peter, she gently rested her head on his chest before softly closing her eyes. "Not that this isn't incredibly romantic, but why did you do all this? You know I'd be perfectly content with cuddling on the couch with you." Y/N mumbled into Peter's chest. She would've been worried that he didn't hear her if her boyfriend wasn't a superhero with enhanced hearing abilities, so of course he picked up her words. "We just have been so busy lately, constantly missing each other even though we live together, so I just wanted to do something special in the time we did get together." Peter timidly admitted, as a blush slowly formed on his face.

Y/N picked up her head to look at the absolute sweetheart that was her boyfriend, and wondered how she got so lucky to be with such a caring and wonderful guy like him. Little did she know, Peter was wondering the same thing if the look of pure adoration on his face was anything to go by. "Oh come kiss me you cheeseball." Y/N said, after long moments of just staring at each other. And kiss her he did.


You say that I won't lose you
But you can't predict the future
So, just hold on like you will never let go
Yeah, if you ever move on without me
I need to make sure you know

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