You're Adorable- P.P.

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Warnings- Nothing expect for Peter being an adorable dork

Peter was going to cry. His day had been good. Great in fact. He got to meet up with Y/N for coffee this morning, all his teachers decided that they weren't going to pile on the work (for the first time in forever), there wasn't much crime today, and he even had a dinner date on top of a mini coffee date with his girlfriend later. But then it all went down the drain. As soon as he did it, he felt bad, he really did. Which is why he is currently running towards Y/N's house right now.

He kicked himself for the third time in the past minute. Why did he have to get on that train? Why couldn't he just have taken the next one? If he had, she wouldn't have been there. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." He said smacking himself.

As soon as he saw her building, he ran as fast as he could the rest of the way, and practically broke her door from banging on it so hard. Y/N opened the door with one side of her hair braided, and a confused look on her face. "Peter? You're here extremely early. I thought we were going to meet up in an hour?" Y/N asked. "I know, I know, but that's not why I'm here." Peter said pushing past Y/N and letting himself in her apartment. Luckily no one was home this early, so no one had to hear about the horrible thing Peter had done.

"Look Y/N, I messed up big time, and I'm so, so, sorry. I love you so much, and I immediately looked away and left, I really did, you have to believe me!" Peter said pulling his hair. Y/N gently came up to him, and pulled his hands down from his hair placing them on her hips. "What in the world are you talking about Peter?" Y/N asked. Peter took a deep breath. "Th-there was this g-girl on the train and I looked at her, and I-I" Peter started chocking on his words. Y/N's heart dropped to her stomach, and she took a step back. "You what Peter?" She asked, not going unnoticed by Peter that her voice had grown hostile. "I thought she was pretty!" Peter said bursting out into sobs. "I-I immediately looked away I swear! And I got off the train in the text stop, and ran straight to your house to apologize! I'm so sorry." Peter said covering his face in his hands.

Once he calmed down a bit, he reluctantly looked up at his girlfriend. Y/N was just staring at him with a completely blank expression, before she burst out laughing. Peter furrowed his eyebrows as she laughed so hard, that she had to grab the counter for support. "Y-you-you're th-this upset be-because you thought a girl was pretty? Not hot. No, no, just pretty?" Y/N got out while clutching her stomach. Peter just stared at her with a confused, and somewhat hurt expression. Once Y/N calmed down and noticed this, she stopped laughing and wrapped her arms around Peter. "Baby." She cooed. "You're adorable! I don't care if you think that another girl is pretty. Lots of girls are pretty. The only thing I care about is if you act on it." Y/N said with a small playful smile on her face. "N-No, I would never do that!" Peter immediately said, "I know baby, which is why I'm not worried if you think another girl is pretty. Just remember." She said pointing at his chest. "You're mine, and mine only." And with that, she kissed him hard.

Peter finally let a smile grace his lips once she pulled away. "You're amazing you know that?" "I know." She said with a cocky grin on her face. Suddenly that grin disappeared when a thought hit her. "Wait! Does that mean that I can't think that Captain America is hot?" Y/N asked seriously. "Omg, and Bucky! Oh and Loki?" Peter let out a chuckle. "Oh shut up." He said pecking her lips again. "Wait I'm serious."

A/N: If you have any ideas for imagines, please feel free to comment because I'm running out. Also, the picture I used for this is from Far From Home I think, and I'm actually so excited.

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