The One Good Thing- T.H.

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A/N: Pretend for this story that Tom doesn't have any family except a little sister. Everything else is the same, just no brothers and parents.

Warnings: Lost of Angst and Some Fluff (if you look really hard)

"Come on, come on, COME ON!" you screamed at the traffic in front of you. You knew that being this mad and impatient while driving probably wasn't the best idea, but you just couldn't help it. You had just gotten the most heartbreaking phone call from Tom, and you just needed to get there and be there for him.

Everything was fine this morning. Tom had woken you up by kissing every inch of your face, you had gotten to work early, and you got to meet a friend that you hadn't seen in a while for lunch. Everything was great until it wasn't anymore. You were finishing up with your last patient, a little girl who had a nasty cold, when you got the call. As soon as you answered, you knew something was seriously wrong.

The traffic finally cleared and you sped to the hospital, thanking God that there weren't any cops around. That wouldn't have ended well for anyone. You slammed you door shut, and ran as fast as you could in heels. You quickly stopped by the front desk, screaming at the poor lady to ask where she was. Thankfully the lady understood your rudeness, and gave you directions to Lilly's room. When you got to the hallway that her room was in, you saw Tom turn a corner looking like he was going to fall any moment. You quickly rushed over to him, and embraced him tightly in your arms. He let out a huge sob, and fell, bringing you down with him. "It's ok baby, she's gonna be ok. Come on, this is Lilly we're talking about. She's too stubborn to give up, so have faith in her." You said. This calmed down Tom a little because you were right. She was extremely stubborn.

You carefully lifted Tom and yourself up, and led him to the waiting room. You sat him down and you sat down next to him bringing his head down to your lap. You gently stroked his hair, until he drifted off to sleep.

"Mr Holland?" A quiet voice asked. You and Tom jerked awake, and immediately stood up looking at the doctor. You looked at her face, and your heart dropped to your stomach. "I'm so sorry sir, but there was too much damage to fix. We did everything we could, but in the end it just wasn't enough. We are so sorry." The doctor said before walking away to give us time to process what she just said. Tom stares at her walking away before he falls down to his knees, and sobs hard. Really hard. Your heart sunk even further at the sight of him.

Lilly was his little sister. His parents died when Tom was 18, and she was just 15. Tom took her in, and raised her while balancing acting school at the same time. Then a year later he got his big break in Civil War, which helped greatly. Now Tom was 23, extremely successful, and getting his sister through university. His sister meant the world to him. She was the only family he had left, and their bond was truly unbreakable. You were so nervous when you were going to meet her, because you knew how much she meant to Tom. However, you had nothing to worry about because you two hit it off immediately. You both soon forgot about Tom, and just talked the whole night. She had become your little sister too. Of course you were sad, but Tom was broken. You needed to pull yourself together and be there for him.

You crouched down in front of him, and took him in your arms for the second time that night. After a while of him sobbing into your shoulder, you helped him up and led him to your car. You got in yourself, and drove to the apartment you two shared. You helped him out of the car, into the apartment, and into your room. You took off his shoes, and he fell numbly on the bed curling into himself. You then changed into a hoodie and sweatpants and crawled in next to him. He immediately put his head on your chest, and you wrapped your arms around him, and stoked his hair until he fell asleep. You knew that he wasn't going to be okay for a while, losing the only family he had left. But you would be there for him every step of the way, no matter how long it takes. Little did you know, that right before Tom closed his eyes, he had made a vow to himself to never loose the one good thing he had left in his life. You.

A/N: I'm sorry. Don't hate me.

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