Happy Birthday Tommy!!- T.H.

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Warnings: Fluff and Maybe Some Swears

Tom had a long day at work, with press and taking pictures with fans. Don't get him wrong, he loves his job and he's so thankful that he gets to do what he does, but he just wanted to go home and cuddle with his girlfriend. But, unfortunately, Tom was in the US doing press for his new movie, and Y/N was back home studying frantically for her finals coming up soon. He just missed his girl, and the comfort she brought him, and he wanted nothing more than to just get on the next plane and go to her. But he would just have to settle for going back to his hotel, and getting some well needed sleep.

As soon as he got back to his hotel, Tom did his normal routine, and discarded his sweaty and gross clothes, and changed into an old pair of sweatpants and crawled into bed. He plugged in his phone, and decided to scroll through his social media before going to sleep. Just as he was about to open Instagram, he got a FaceTime call from the one person that he needed the most next to him. Quickly swiping to answer the call, he impatiently waited for it to connect, so he could see his beautiful girlfriend's face. As soon as it connected, there was a huge smile on Y/N's face. "Happy Birthday Tom!!" She excitedly exclaimed. With how busy Tom had been lately, it has completely slipped his mind that it was his birthday tomorrow. "I know it's technically not June 1st there, but it is here so I just wanted to get a head start and wish you! I love you so much baby, and even though I miss you, I'm so proud that you are living out your dream." Y/N said, and with each word coming out of her mouth, Tom's smile grew wider and wider. "Thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me. Looks like this is the first birthday I'm going to spend without you for the first time in a while huh?" Tom asked, trying to make it sound like a joke, but both of them heard the hurt and sadness in his words. "Yeah, but you have Haz, Harry, and Sam with you. I'm sure you're gonna have loads of fun with them. So much so, that you're gonna forget that I'm not even there." Y/N explained, trying not to be like her boyfriend, and just let everything slip. "I could never forget that you're not here with me love, no matter what I'm doing. But you're probably right about the boys. I'm sure they'll obnoxiously wake me up first thing in the morning, and get my birthday beats out of the way." Y/N let out a laugh at that, and she knew that Tom was right. The boys always seemed to do that, and usually scared the hell out of her too. "I should probably let you get some sleep then. I'm sure you are super tired, and you're gonna get one hell of a wake up call tomorrow too. I'll call you tomorrow babe." Y/N said, trying her best to really make it seem like she was sad to let him go. "Bye love." Tom says as he hangs up with a heavy heart. In all honesty, he wasn't really in the mood to celebrate his birthday without Y/N there, but he knew he had to. Tom just shook his head, trying to free his mind of all his thoughts, and finally laid his head down and got some well deserved sleep.


Y/N was practically jumping from all the adrenaline that was flowing though her, as she got out of the taxi. Thanking the driver, she rolled her luggage into the hotel that Tom and the boys were staying at. She quickly made her way to the elevator, where she pressed the floor  number that Harrison had texted her the night before. Y/N should have been really tired, considering that she just got off of a eleven hour flight, but all the tiredness was overpowered by her excitement to finally see and surprise her boyfriend for his 23rd birthday. She had been planning this for months, even going as far as asking for permission to write her finals a week earlier than everyone else. She and the boys had put a lot of work into this, and she really hoped Tom would like this nice little surprise.

Y/N was so lost in her thoughts, that she didn't even realized that she had reached the floor until the elevator had dinged to indicate her arrival. She rolled the suitcase around until she was at the room that was Harrison's, and she knocked. Haz quickly opened the door and pulled the girl in, making sure to shut the door before wrapping her in a tight hug. "Finally, Toms going to shut up about you for a little while." Haz mumbled, while Y/N let out a laugh and let go of him. "You guys ready?" She questioned. "Yeah, we're good to go. Oi, dipshits, come on, let's go." He yelled, just as the twins ran to them sending a quick greeting Y/N's way.

They all made their way to Tom's room, which was just across Harrison's, and he used his keycard to unlock his door. They all slipped in quietly, although they didn't really need to, considering that Tom could probably sleep through the end of the world. Harrison and Sam got all the banners and confetti canons ready, while Harry got his camera set up to record the whole thing. The four looked at each other, and silently counted down, and when they all reached one, Y/N jumped onto to Tom's bed with as much force as she could muster, while the boys all simultaneously started screaming. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS!!" Tom sat up so quickly, that they were worried he would break his back, while he looked in confusion to the three boys throwing confetti everywhere, to his girlfriend who was sitting on him, instead of back home where she was supposed to be. When his brain finally caught up with what was happening, he let out a huge smile, and hugged his girlfriend so hard, that she found it hard to breathe for a few seconds. But it was well worth it to see the look on his face. The boys all came up to him, and gave him a slap on the back, wishing him. "Ok we'll meet you guys at the breakfast place across the street in an hour." Harrison said, before leaving to give the couple some well needed privacy. After all, they hadn't seen each other in months. Tom turned to his girlfriend, who was watching him with a smile, and he pulled her back into his lap. "Best birthday ever." He said, before kissing her harder than he ever had before, pouring out all his feelings into it. She let out a giggle, saying "Happy Birthday Tommy" before she reconnected their lips.

A/N: Ok, so I know this is really late, but it is technically still Tom's birthday where I live so there you go. I know its crap, but I didn't have time, so this was the best I could do. Happy Birthday Tom, we love you, and hope you had an amazing day. Also the peter Parker imagine will be out soon, I promise.

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